Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.
Die Inhalte auf diesen Seiten stammen vom Serviceportal des Landes Baden-Württemberg und werden automatisch synchronisiert. Das Portal bietet die Möglichkeit, sich einen personalisierten Zugang einrichten und persönliche Dokumente sicher abzuspeichern, um sie jederzeit elektronisch verfügbar zu haben.
Procedure descriptions
- Abendgymnasium - Apply for admission
- Academic degrees, titles and designations for recognised ethnic German immigrants - apply for degree conversions
- Academic degrees, titles and professional titles from foreign educational institutions
- Academic health professions - applying for recognition of continuing education
- Accident insurance - register day care
- Accident insurance - Register your company
- Activities with pathogens - Display changes
- Activities with pathogens - indicate commencement of activity
- Address book - block entry
- Admission to higher education for gifted persons with no entrance qualification - applying for admittance to examination
- Admission to the bar as a practising lawyer
- Admissions committee - applying for admission as a panel doctor
- Adoption - apply to become an adoptive parent
- Adoption - Request access to files
- Adoption of a foreign child - applying for notarisation in the register of births
- Adoption of a foreign child - requesting the conversion of a weak adoption into a strong adoption
- Adoption of a German child - notarisation ex officio
- Alternative school - apply for authorisation to operate
- Alternative school - apply for state recognition
- Amusement arcade - apply for operating licence
- Anzeige des Betrieb von Anlagen zur Anwendung nichtionisierender Strahlung am Menschen zu kosmetischen oder sonstigen nichtmedizinischen Zwecken
- Application for access to higher education for professionally qualified people
- Application for Admission of foreign Applicants (non EU)
- Apply for a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM
- Apply for a certificate for the acquisition of radiological protection expertise
- Apply for a certificate of presentation, apply for a transport licence
- Apply for a change of address on the eID card
- Apply for a citizenship card
- Apply for a classic car licence plate
- Apply for a clearance certificate in accordance with the 1st Explosives Ordinance
- Apply for a copy or printout of the land register
- Apply for a death certificate
- Apply for a disabled person's pass
- Apply for a driving licence
- Apply for a driving licence to carry passengers
- Apply for a driving school licence
- Apply for a European order for payment (European order for payment)
- Apply for a fishing licence
- Apply for a grant for a rural doctor
- Apply for a Heilpraktiker licence
- Apply for a housing entitlement certificate
- Apply for a housing subsidy
- Apply for a licence for the non-commercial purchase and handling of explosive substances
- Apply for a licence for waste management activities in accordance with the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act
- Apply for a licence to handle and transport explosive substances commercially
- Apply for a licence to practise medicine
- Apply for a moped test certificate
- Apply for a national visa
- Apply for a passport replacement for foreigners (emergency travel document)
- Apply for a passport replacement for foreigners from non-EU countries (travel document for foreigners)
- Apply for a pension due to partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability
- Apply for a permit for oversized and heavy goods transport
- Apply for a permit to purchase and handle explosive substances on a commercial basis
- Apply for a polling card
- Apply for a private pilot licence
- Apply for a registration certificate
- Apply for a residence permit for employment
- Apply for a residence permit for qualified tolerated persons for the purpose of employment
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment
- Apply for a restaurant licence
- Apply for a settlement permit for highly qualified persons
- Apply for a settlement permit for skilled workers
- Apply for a small firearms licence
- Apply for a special authorisation for slaughter without anaesthesia ("slaughtering")
- Apply for a standard old-age pension
- Apply for a state family pass
- Apply for a student visa
- Apply for a subsidy for multiple births
- Apply for a tradesman's parking permit for the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region
- Apply for a tree felling licence
- Apply for a visa for au pair employees
- Apply for a waste producer number
- Apply for a WHO certificate for the export of medicinal products for human use
- Apply for admission as a late repatriate
- Apply for admission to the vocational school
- Apply for aid from the Tierseuchenkasse (Animal Diseases Fund)
- Apply for an allowance for childcare and education or training
- Apply for an education loan
- Apply for an electronic residence permit (eAT)
- Apply for an employee savings allowance
- Apply for an EU Pet Passport
- Apply for an import permit for animal by-products or animals
- Apply for an international driving licence
- Apply for an old-age pension for particularly long-term insured persons ("Pension from 63")
- Apply for an old-age pension for severely disabled people
- Apply for an orphan's pension
- Apply for appointment as an expert for long-term storage in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance
- Apply for approval in individual cases/project-related type approval
- Apply for assistance for the blind
- Apply for assumption of funeral costs (social assistance)
- Apply for authorisation for demolition and renovation work in the presence of asbestos in weakly bound form
- Apply for authorisation for extrajudicial legal services
- Apply for authorisation to carry out fumigation
- Apply for authorisation under water law
- Apply for backfilling and excavation
- Apply for basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- Apply for benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
- Apply for care assistance
- Apply for certification of the acquisition of knowledge in radiation protection
- Apply for child allowance as an electronic income tax deduction feature
- Apply for child benefit
- Apply for child supplement
- Apply for compensation for victims of violence
- Apply for compensation from the Tierseuchenkasse (animal disease fund)
- Apply for compensation in the event of segregation or prohibition of activity
- Apply for Corona federal bridge grant for professional sports
- Apply for cost absorption for abortion at the statutory health insurance company
- Apply for daily sickness allowance (private health insurance)
- Apply for divorce
- Apply for early repayment of the BAföG loan
- Apply for education in a foster family (full-time care)
- Apply for education in a home or other form of assisted living
- Apply for equalisation of a disability with a severe disability
- Apply for equivalence of a qualification in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance
- Apply for exemption from the obligation to keep records and registers for waste management operators
- Apply for export of "green" waste for recovery within the EU
- Apply for funding for after-school care centres
- Apply for funding for charging infrastructure for e-taxis
- Apply for funding for electrically powered commercial vehicles
- Apply for funding for electric-powered taxis, rental cars, bundled on-demand transport or car-sharing vehicles
- Apply for funding for initial equipment of rescue centres
- Apply for funding for regional bus routes
- Apply for funding in the care innovation programme
- Apply for grants for flexible afternoon care and municipal childcare services
- Apply for health insurance for trainees, pupils and students
- Apply for help for young adults
- Apply for help with living costs
- Apply for help with upbringing in full-time care (care allowance)
- Apply for housing benefit
- Apply for income tax reduction
- Apply for individual vehicle taxation
- Apply for infection protection instruction including certificate
- Apply for insurance plates for small vehicles
- Apply for integration assistance for children and young people with mental disabilities
- Apply for integration assistance for people with disabilities
- Apply for intensive one-to-one socio-educational support
- Apply for international financial aid for students
- Apply for legal aid or legal aid
- Apply for maintenance advance
- Apply for marketing authorisation
- Apply for naturalisation for foreigners entitled to naturalisation
- Apply for naturalisation for foreigners without naturalisation entitlement
- Apply for naturalisation for spouses or registered partners of a person with German citizenship
- Apply for parental allowance
- Apply for parking concessions for people with severe disabilities ("blue parking permit")
- Apply for parking concessions for special groups of severely disabled people ("orange parking permit")
- Apply for participation in social group work
- Apply for permission for full-time care
- Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical consultant
- Apply for recognition of an asbestos expertise course
- Apply for recognition of an expert training course for biocidal products
- Apply for relief amount for single parents
- Apply for seasonal licence plates for vehicles
- Apply for sickness assistance under the Child and Youth Welfare Act
- Apply for sickness benefit for people with statutory insurance
- Apply for socio-educational family support
- Apply for start-up aid for a degree programme
- Apply for the "Blue Angel" eco-label
- Apply for the construction of structural facilities (impact authorisation under nature conservation law)
- apply for the eID card as a European citizen
- Apply for the organisation of weekly markets
- Apply for transfer as a teacher online (VOBW)
- Applying for a boundary certificate for a property
- Applying for a certificate of completion to subdivide a building
- Applying for a change of tax class for married couples
- Applying for a driving instructor licence
- Applying for a green sign
- Applying for a licence to practise as a veterinarian from a third country
- Applying for a licence to run a private hospital
- Applying for a permit for care services
- Applying for a permit for the trade of broker, property developer, construction supervisor or loan broker
- Applying for a red registration number (dealer registration)
- Applying for a rental vehicle permit
- Applying for a replacement driving licence - after loss or theft
- Applying for a residence permit for au pair workers (non-EU/EEA)
- Applying for a residence permit for students from countries outside the EU/EEA
- Applying for a residence permit for Swiss nationals
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of research
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of training
- Applying for a seasonal registration
- Applying for a taxi permit
- Applying for a temporary professional permit as a vet
- Applying for a water licence - General information
- Applying for a work permit for foreign students
- Applying for admission as a European lawyer to the Bar Association
- Applying for an EU Blue Card for highly qualified employment
- Applying for an export registration number
- Applying for an ID card for the first time or after expiry
- Applying for an interchangeable number plate
- Applying for an operating licence for a public pharmacy
- Applying for approval for a law firm
- Applying for authorisation for an aviation event
- Applying for change of vehicle registration
- Applying for compensation in criminal proceedings
- Applying for deregistration / deregistration for a vehicle
- Applying for entry in the register of craftsmen
- Applying for evaluation of a foreign higher education qualification
- Applying for exemptions from the provisions of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance
- Applying for initial registration of a vehicle (new registration)
- Applying for membership of the State Chamber of Psychotherapists
- Applying for or renewing a licence to carry out fumigation with biocidal products or plant protection products
- Applying for or reserving a vanity plate
- Applying for recognition of a foreign higher education entrance qualification
- Applying for recognition of a foreign teaching diploma
- Applying for registration in the Register of Brokers
- Applying for remuneration as a professional carer or professional guardian
- Applying for re-registration of a vehicle to the same owner
- Applying for retraining due to occupational illness
- Applying for sick pay and time off work when your child is ill
- Applying for temporary vehicle registration
- Applying for the abstraction and discharge of water from surface waters
- Applying for the re-registration of a vehicle to a new owner
- Applying to a University
- Applying to an Institution of Higher Education
- Appoint company representatives for immission control
- Appoint waste management officers (waste officers)
- Appointing the foster parents as carers or guardians
- Attending the school enrolment examination
- Authorisation for wholesale trade in medicinal products Issue
- Become a poll worker
- Benefits from German Pension Insurance - Transitional allowance
- Berufliches Gymnasium (three-year advanced form) - Apply for admission
- Birth abroad - applying for entry in the German register of births
- Brexit - Proof of right of residence under the Withdrawal Agreement
- Building schools - applying for funding
- Burial - Order a funeral
- Burial at sea
- Call up flood forecast
- Carrying out a registration for the doctors', dentists' and vets' pension scheme
- Catering business - show continuation by heirs
- Catering trade - apply for a permit for up to four days
- Catering trade - Apply for a temporary permit
- Catering trade - apply for permission for more than four days
- Certificate of no impediment to marriage - apply for issue
- Certificate of VAT exemption for services provided by vocational training institutions - commercial professions, health, medical and social professions
- Chamber of Engineers - Registration in the list of consulting engineers
- Chamber of Tax Consultants - Appointment as tax consultant
- Change health insurance company
- Changing your address on the hunting license
- Childcare costs - apply for tax relief
- Children's passport - application is no longer possible since 1 January 2024
- Church membership and church tax - Declaring leaving the church
- Citizen's allowance authorisation
- Civil partnership certificate - apply for further copies
- Claiming a lump sum for trainers
- Claiming a lump sum for voluntary work
- Collective waste disposal certificate Confirmation
- College - Register visit
- Commercial installation of gaming machines with winning possibilities
- Commercial register - apply for registration
- Commercial Register - Inspection
- Commercial road haulage - Apply for a licence
- Commercially organising games with prizes
- Commission an explosive ordnance disposal service
- Community school - register child for admission
- Confirm date of moving in (housing provider certificate)
- Contracted dentist - apply for admission
- Corporate income tax - submitting a declaration
- Course of study - applying for leave of absence
- Create a living will
- Cross-border commuter permit for employment in Switzerland - application
- Cross-border distance selling of tobacco products to consumers - register as a foreigner
- Cross-border distance selling of tobacco products to consumers - register as a resident
- Debtors' register - inspection
- Declare goods to customs when importing via the Internet
- Declare paternity and have it notarised
- Deregister residence
- Deregister trade
- Deregistering the dog license fee
- Determine married name
- Determine property tax
- Directory of foundations - Insight
- Display - Report noise nuisance
- Display fraud offence
- Display fumigation activities with biocidal products or plant protection products
- Display handling of airbag or belt tensioner units
- Display hate and incitement on the net
- Display proof of disposal for privileged procedure
- Dispose of bulky waste
- Dispose of household waste
- Disposing of domestic green waste
- Disposing of hazardous substances from private households
- Disposing of organic waste
- Disposing of recyclable materials
- Doctor, dentist, pharmacist, psychological psychotherapist, child and youth psychotherapist with foreign professional training - apply for approval
- Draw up a help plan
- Drinking water - report contamination
- Drinking water testing centres - Apply for approval
- Driving licence (foreign) - apply for exchange
- Driving licence (temporary) - apply for extension
- Driving licence - apply for an extension
- Driving licence - applying for accompanied driving from the age of 17
- Driving licence - exchange when changing name
- Driving licence - reapply after revocation
- E-bikes - apply for funding
- Education package - apply for benefits for education and participation
- Educational assistance - applying for support from care assistants
- Educational support Authorisation for students
- Electoral roll (local elections) - apply for registration when moving house
- Electoral roll (mayoral election) - apply for registration as a returnee
- EMAS - Apply for registration and admission
- Emission and immission investigations - applying for recognition and notification as an expert body under the Federal Immission Control Act
- Encourage state honouring of lifesavers
- Energy supply - apply for grid operation approval (country)
- Entry in the Register of Crafts - applying for authorisation to practise an additional craft in accordance with § 7a HWO
- Environmental and nature conservation organisations - apply for recognition
- Establish a temporary no stopping zone
- European lawyer - apply for admission to the qualifying examination
- Evaluate school performance
- Events on public roads - apply for a permit and traffic order
- Exchanging an old driving licence for a new one
- Ex-matriculation - end of studies
- Experts according to BauSVO - Apply for recognition
- Export of waste within the EU - apply for notification
- Extend pilot licences
- Extending a disabled person's pass
- Extending a driving licence for the carriage of passengers
- Extending a residence permit issued for training purposes
- Extending residence permits for students from countries outside the EU/EEA
- Extending your passenger transport licence
- Feed monitoring - Communicate own control results on dioxins and PCBs
- Feed monitoring - reporting unsafe feed
- File a criminal complaint against others
- File a patient complaint (medical association, dental association)
- File an objection against an administrative act (decision)
- Filing a secondary action
- Financial investment brokers - applying for a permit
- Find a pharmacy emergency service
- Food control - register as a food business
- Food monitoring - Communicate self-monitoring results on dioxins and PCBs
- Food monitoring - report unsafe food
- Food safety - Submit a consumer complaint
- Foreign certificates - apply for recognition
- Foundation - Have amendment to articles of association approved
- Foundation - to be recognised as having legal capacity
- Full-time care - placing a foster child
- Further training colleges for nursing professions - applying for state recognition
- Games with the possibility of winning (standing trade) - Apply for a clearance certificate at the Federal Criminal Police Office
- General education schools - register for evening classes
- Guarding trade - apply for a permit
- Hand in or enquire about lost property
- Have an occupational disease diagnosed
- Have professional qualifications in the healthcare sector acquired abroad recognised
- Having foreign job qualifications recognised for HWK (Chamber of Crafts and Trades) professions
- Having foreign job qualifications recognised for IHK professions
- Hazardous waste - Carry out electronic proof of disposal procedure
- Health insurance for freelancers
- Health requirements for staff when handling food
- High-pressure gas pipelines - Apply for recognition as an expert
- Home work - six-monthly list notification
- Housing promotion - applying for promotion of owner-occupied housing
- Housing promotion - applying for promotion of rental housing for households with special housing difficulties
- Housing promotion - applying for promotion of the acquisition of cooperative shares
- Housing security - apply for social assistance
- Hunter examination - Apply for authorisation
- Hunting licence - apply for renewal
- Hunting licence application
- Identity card - Change address
- Illness or pregnancy - apply for budgetary support
- Image carriers - Apply for age labelling and release for age groups
- Immission control - apply for early construction of a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Apply for partial authorisation for the construction and operation of a plant in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Applying for a permit for a significant change to a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - applying for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - applying for authorisation in a simplified procedure for a plant in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - applying for the construction and operation of a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - Display cessation of operation of an installation requiring authorisation in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Display change of operator of a combustion plant according to 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display changes to an installation requiring authorisation in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Display commissioning, modification, decommissioning or change of operator for evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators in accordance with 42. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display emission-relevant modification of a combustion plant according to 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display operation of an existing combustion plant in accordance with 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display operation or commissioning of a combustion plant according to 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - final decommissioning of a combustion plant in accordance with the 44th BImSchV
- Immission control - Notification if the action values are exceeded or if the operation of evaporation, cooling systems and wet cutters is disrupted
- Immission control - Submit emissions declaration according to 11. BlmSchV
- Import and export of protected plant and animal species Permit
- Import of medicinal products - apply for a licence
- Income tax
- Income tax - submitting a declaration
- Incorrect measurements or underfilled prepackages - lodge a complaint
- Information from the civil register - group information to parties or groups of voters
- Inspection body in waste management - Apply for recognition
- Insurance ombudsman - lodge a complaint against insurance companies
- Integration courses for foreigners - applying for participation
- Integration courses for late repatriates - registering
- Interpreter and translator database - Apply for admission for temporary work (interpreters, translators from other EU/EEA countries)
- Interpreters, translators residing or established in other countries - Applying for a general oath
- Interpreters, translators with place of residence or business in Baden-Württemberg
- Issue a school report
- Issue accompanying documents for wine shipments
- Issue SEPA direct debit mandate
- Itinerant Trade License
- Karlsruhe virtual catalogue - searching for literature
- Keeping a fighting dog - apply for a licence
- Keeping a fighting dog - requesting a behavioural test
- Land register - apply for entry
- Land Register - Inspect
- Landesapothekerkammer - Register for membership
- Landesbibliothek - Apply for a user card
- Landesstiftung Opferschutz - Apply for grants
- Landeszahnärztekammer - Register membership
- Landeszentrale für politische Bildung - Order offers from the webshop
- Lawyer; Recognise foreign professional qualification
- Legal support - applying for reimbursement of expenses
- License for auctions
- License for financial services providers according to the German Banking Act
- License for Insurance Brokers and Insurance Consultants
- License for pawnbrokers
- License to manufacture or trade in weapons
- List of crafts and crafts-like trades that are exempt from registration - arrange for registration
- Locking period - apply for reduction or cancellation
- Lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority
- Lodge a supervisory complaint
- Lodge an objection against an enforcement order
- Loss of the Vehicle Registration Certificate
- Low emission zones - apply for a special permit
- Maintenance for adult children - apply in court
- Make use of educational counselling
- Making Technical Modifications to the Vehicle
- Manufacture of medicinal products - apply for a licence
- Markscheider - apply for recognition
- Markscheider - apply for recognition as "other person"
- Marriage certificate - apply for issue
- Marriage leads to a change in tax class
- Maternity pay
- Medical register - Apply for registration
- Melderegister - Request online information
- Modernisation of bridge structures - apply for funding
- Motor vehicle registration number Allocation of electrically powered vehicles
- Name Change in the Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle Title
- Notification of changes in the health insurance company
- Notification of changes the institution of higher education
- Notification of the installation of a high-pressure gas pipeline
- Notify change of operator of a system for handling substances hazardous to water (AwSV system, except heating oil consumer system and JGS system)
- Notify construction, significant modification or measures involving a change in the hazard level of heating oil consumer systems in accordance with AwSV
- Notify construction, significant modification or measures involving a change in the hazard level of installations for handling substances hazardous to water (except heating oil consumer installations and JGS installations)
- Notify or apply for the operation of a medical X-ray facility or a significant change to its operation
- Notify the appointment, change of duties or dismissal of a radiation protection officer
- Notify the basic supplier
- Notify the employment agency of redundancies
- Notify the end of operation of an X-ray facility
- Offences against youth protection regulations on the Internet - lodge a complaint
- Old-age pension - applying for a pension on early retirement
- Operation of medical transport - applying for a permit
- Operational and official mobility management - apply for funding
- Order accommodation for mentally ill people
- Order natural burial
- Order products from the Baden-Württemberg State Office for Geoinformation and Rural Development
- Organising trade fairs, exhibitions and markets on a commercial basis
- Orientation Process for Future Teacher Training Students in Baden-Württemberg
- Parties and leisure activities - observe hygiene regulations
- Partnership register - registering an entry
- Passport - Apply for a change of residence
- Passport - apply for a temporary passport
- Passport - apply for replacement due to loss
- Passport - apply for the first time or after expiry
- Passport - applying for a second passport
- Passport - applying for the first time for the child
- Passport - reapplying for a passport due to name change on divorce
- Passport - reapplying for a passport due to name change on marriage
- Pay land transfer tax
- Pay motor vehicle tax
- Pension fund for architects - registering as a member
- Pension fund for engineers - registering as a member
- Pension fund for lawyers - registering as a member
- Pension fund for psychotherapists - registering as a member
- Pension fund for tax consultants - registering as a member
- Pension insurance - apply for pension information and account clarification
- Pension insurance - Request pension information
- Permanent Residence-EU - Apply for a Permit
- Permit as a bookkeeping assistant
- Pipeline systems ("pipelines") - Apply for recognition as an inspection body
- Planning permission - Apply for advertising system
- Police - applying for the police service
- Population register - request group information
- Pre-emptive right of the municipality - apply for a negative certificate
- Preventing forced marriages
- Private fireworks - apply for an exemption from the ban on setting off fireworks
- Private universities - apply for state recognition
- Product-specific insurance brokers - Applying for a permit exemption
- Professional register for auditors and auditing firms Apply for change
- Prohibition of business due to unreliability
- Promotion of energy advice for residential buildings (on-site advice; individual renovation roadmap)
- Proof of disposal Confirmation
- Property division - submit declaration
- Property register - Notify construction of a building
- Property survey - apply for boundary determination
- Prostitution trade - applying for a permit
- Protection against animal diseases - Show animal disease
- Provide details of the person responsible for radiation protection
- Psychosocial court counselling - applying for a court order
- Purchasing an environment sticker
- Real estate cadastre - apply for an extract
- Receive late repatriate certificate
- Register a trade
- Register and certify income tax
- Register employees with social security
- Register for admission to a German school abroad
- Register of Cooperatives - Apply for registration
- Register of Craftsmen - Request information
- Register of dentists - apply for registration
- Register of residents - apply for information (extended)
- Register of residents - apply for information (simple)
- Register of residents - apply for information blocking
- Register of voters (Bundestag election) - applying for registration of Germans living abroad
- Register of voters (European elections) - Apply for registration of EU citizens living in Germany
- Register of voters (European elections) - applying for registration of Germans living abroad
- Register of voters (European elections) - applying for registration of Germans living in Germany
- Register residence
- Register trainees in fruit growing and horticulture for the final examination
- Register water connection
- Register your residence as your main residence
- Registering for the Course of Study - Enrolment
- Registering the dog license fee
- Registering with the List of Architects (Architektenliste)
- Registration in the list of architects
- Registration in the Register of Crafts - applying for exemption according to § 8 HWO
- Registration in the Register of Craftsmen - Exemption for EU citizens (in accordance with § 9 Abs. 1 HWO) - application
- Registration in the Register of Skilled Crafts - applying for authorisation to practise in accordance with § 7b HWO
- Report an accident or malfunction involving hazardous substances
- Report change of residence within the same city or municipality
- Report first-time employment of persons in home work
- Report home birth to the registry office
- Report rat
- Report the name of the child to the registry office after birth
- Reporting loss or theft of numberplates
- Reporting the sale of a vehicle
- Request a change of school district
- Request a file card copy
- Request a new determination of a disability
- Request a school-leaving examination
- Request an enforcement order
- Request assistance from the youth welfare office
- Request authorization certificate for online ID function
- Request birth certificate
- Request cremation
- Request determination of a replacement dose
- Request education in a day group
- Request exemption from the Law on Sundays and Public Holidays
- Request image files for labelling tobacco packages or cigarette packets with text-image warnings
- Request information from the soil protection and contaminated site register
- Request issuance of a mortuary passport
- Request judgement
- Request notarisation of public documents for abroad
- Request printout from the commercial register
- Request rental of weights
- Request temporary reception of children and young people in a safe place
- Requesting access to files in and outside of administrative proceedings
- Requesting an excerpt from the Central Trade Register
- Requesting information from the Central Driver's License Register
- Requesting information from the Trade Register (Gewerberegister)
- Requesting the excavation of a road for pipe laying
- Requesting the participation of children at events
- Re-register business
- Research facility - Recognition by the BAMF
- Residence - Notify change of main residence
- Residence permit for third-country nationals - Apply for a Mobiler-ICT card
- Residence permit for workers from third countries - Apply for ICT card
- Residence requirement - apply for cancellation
- Retrieve electronic wage tax deduction features
- Reunification for family reasons (additional family members) - Apply for a residence permit
- Reunification for family reasons (with foreigners) - Apply for a residence permit
- Reunification for family reasons (with Germans) - Apply for a residence permit
- Roadworks on public roads - apply for a traffic order
- Schengen visa - application
- School report - apply for replacement in case of loss
- Service driving licence - apply for civilian transfer
- Settlement permit
- Show blasts
- Show construction, significant modification or decommissioning of a slurry, liquid manure and silage slurry plant (JGS plant)
- Show construction of a game enclosure
- Show cross-border provision of services by craftsmen from other EU/EEA states
- Show damage to property
- Show death
- Show information officers for pharmaceutical companies
- Show keeping of specially protected species
- Show non-profit and commercial waste collections
- Show property offence
- Show qualified person according to § 14 German Medicines Act
- Show retail sale of over-the-counter medicines
- Show the start of the waste management activity
- Social insurance - having compulsory insurance determined (status determination)
- Special educational provision - applying for determination of entitlement
- Special use of roads outside the locality - applying for permission
- Special use of roads within the locality - applying for permission
- Special uses on public roads - applying for a permit and traffic order
- STÄRKE state programme - information for parents
- State professional body of doctors - registration of membership
- State Professional Body of Vets - registration of membership
- Statutory health insurance - apply for exemption from co-payment
- Straußwirtschaft - Show operation
- Submit a complaint against providers of Internet and telephone connections
- Submit a complaint due to offensive advertising
- Submit a residents' petition
- Submit an enquiry to the State Office for Building Technology
- Submit application for the Baden-Württemberg rural doctor quota
- Submit collective waste approval in the privileged procedure
- Submit e-bill to the Central Invoice Receipt of the country
- Supplementary schools in the area of cultural administration - applying for state recognition and acceptance of examinations
- Take advantage of early detection examinations for children and adolescents
- Take advantage of early support for preschool children
- Taking narcotics on trips abroad - applying for a certificate
- Taking orientation test for future students in Baden-Württemberg
- Technischer Assistent in der Medizin mit ausländischer Berufsausbildung – Erlaubnis zur Führung der Berufsbezeichnung beantragen
- Test engineer for building engineering - Recognition
- Tierseuchenkasse Baden-Württemberg - register farm animals
- Trade tax - submitting a declaration
- Trades requiring inspection
- Training preparation dual and training preparationg (AVdual/AV) - Register for participation
- Travel - entering the country with pets
- Turnover tax - submit annual return or advance return
- Undergo a cancer screening examination
- Unwanted telephone calls - submit a complaint
- Use a single point of contact for service providers
- Use flood hazard maps
- Use of a body of water - applying for authorisation to extract, extract, extract, extract and discharge groundwater
- Use the single point of contact of the Chamber of Architects
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of engineers
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of handicrafts
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of industry and commerce
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of lawyers
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of tax advisors
- Using a common point of contact of the regional chamber of vets
- Vehicle registration plates or stickers - replacement in case of illegibility or damage
- Victim support - instruct a victim advocate
- Viewing the legal services register (Rechtsdienstleistungsregister)
- Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ) - apply now
- Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) - apply now
- Voters' register (Bundestag election) - applying for registration of Germans living in Germany
- Wastewater disposal - apply for or display decentralised disposal of rainwater
- Water abstraction charge - submitting a declaration for determination
- Water protection - appointing a representative
- Withholding tax - apply for a non-assessment certificate
- Witness lawyer - Obtaining a subpoena
- Women's shelters - apply for funding