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Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

State professional body of doctors - registration of membership

Doctors in Baden-Württemberg must register with the state professional body of doctors. Membership is obligatory.

Amongst others, the main role of the body is

  • to safeguard the professional matters of its members,
  • to regulate professional continued development,
  • to promote professional advancement and to
  • monitor fulfilment of the professional obligations.

Note: If you begin to practise abroad, you can remain as a voluntary member. This also applies in case that you only move your place of residence abroad, without working professionally.

Doctors who are permitted to treat patients insured under the state insurance scheme ("health insurance company patients") on an outpatient basis are also automatically members of the  (Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung).

Responsible department

Baden-Württemberg Federal Chamber of Physicians



In order to become a member of the state professional body of doctors, you must

  • be appointed or licensed as a doctor or
  • possess a permit for working in the medical profession and
  • carry out your work in Baden-Württemberg or, should you not carry out your professional activities here, maintain your place of residence in Baden-Württemberg.


You must apply to the State Chamber of Doctors in writing. You can obtain the necessary form from the above. You can also find this on the Internet.

Fill the registration form out, sign it and send it to the district chamber of doctors.

You will then receive a membership certification. The State Chamber of Doctors enters new members into its members directory.


Within one month of fulfilment of the requirements.

Required documents

  • Proof of citizenship, for example by means of passport or personal identity document.
  • Licence or professional permit
  • Documents concerning academic grade and title, such as PhD certificate or licence.
  • Documents concerning the approval to state academic grade and title
  • Documents concerning the recognition of further training certificates, for example admission as a specialist doctor

Note: You must provide the documents as originals or as officially certified copies.


  • Registration: none
  • Membership: Annual contribution to differing amount
    • The calculation basis for your contribution is your income.
    • The amount of the contribution is in accordance with a certain percentage of the measurement basis, the so-called contribution factor. The contribution factor is 0.41 percent and is rounded down to the nearest euro. The minimum amount is 40 euros.
    • Voluntary members pay an annual contribution of 150 euros.

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Sozialministerium released it on 11.05.2018. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.
