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Barrierefrei ins Amt: Mit dem Wegweiser www.heidelberg.huerdenlos.de finden Sie Hinweise zur barrierefreien Zugänglichkeit der Ämter und Dienststellen der Stadt Heidelberg.

Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

Incorrect measurements or underfilled prepackages - lodge a complaint

Do you doubt the accuracy of measurements or even suspect fraud?

The Weights and Measures Office investigates every justified consumer complaint. This does not apply to anonymous complaints.

The Weights and Measures Offices also carry out unannounced pre-pack checks at manufacturers', importers' and retailers' premises. In doing so, the pre-packages are checked for the requirements of the Pre-packaging Ordinance. These include, among other things, the determination of the average filling quantity (mean value requirement) and the permissible deviations of the individual packs.

In the event of violations of the Prepackaging Ordinance, the verification offices can initiate administrative offence proceedings.

Responsible department

Suspicion of fraud in measuring devices and underfilled prepackages:

  • the Weights and Measures Office, in whose district
    • there are doubts about the accuracy of measuring instruments, or
    • the suspicion of fraud is assumed, or
    • the measuring instrument is installed, or
    • the underfilled prepackages are found.

Suspicion of fraud in measuring devices for electricity, gas, water and heat:

  • the Regional Council of Tübingen,
  • any state-recognised testing body for the area in question.



You doubt

  • the accuracy of measurements,
  • the accuracy of the measuring device or
  • the contents of pre-packages in the trade.


You can submit your complaint, doubt or suspicion informally, i.e. in writing, verbally or electronically. If you wish, you can receive feedback on your complaint.

In the case of measuring instruments in the utility sector, you must apply for the so-called findings test at a weights and measures office or a state-approved testing centre. A form is provided by the EBBW Directorate in Stuttgart or the respective testing centre.

You may incur costs for the findings test. You will be informed about the result of the test.


In case of suspicion of manipulation or fraud: notify the responsible weights and measures office as soon as possible

Required documents

In case of complaints about pre-packages, you should provide the following information to the Weights and Measures Office:

  • Where did you purchase the pre-pack?
  • Manufacturer of the pre-pack
  • Product name of the pre-pack
  • Nominal quantity on the prepackage
  • Best before date and / or batch number
  • Possibly a photo of the pre-pack on which the above information is visible



Note: In cases of dispute between two parties, an expert can check the measuring instrument (findings test). This will incur fees in accordance with the Ordinance on Measuring and Calibration Fees.

In individual cases, removal and transport costs may be added. This may particularly affect measuring devices for electricity, gas, water and heat.

The fees and possibly the removal and transport costs must normally be borne by the person who initiated the diagnostic test. If it turns out that the meter is faulty, the meter owner must bear the costs.


Pre-packaging refers to products, such as food, detergents, screws from the manufacturer, which are packed in the factory in the absence of the customer.

Release note
