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Barrierefrei ins Amt: Mit dem Wegweiser www.heidelberg.huerdenlos.de finden Sie Hinweise zur barrierefreien Zugänglichkeit der Ämter und Dienststellen der Stadt Heidelberg.

Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

Request image files for labelling tobacco packages or cigarette packets with text-image warnings

The notices for cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and water pipe tobacco consist of a health warning with an accompanying picture. An example is: "Smoking causes fatal lung cancer" with a picture of a so-called smoker's lung.

As a mandatory labelling element, the picture warnings must cover two thirds of the front and two thirds of the back of the packaging. They are placed in addition to other general information and warnings such as "Smoking kills".

The image library for designing packaging with combined health warnings for smoking tobacco products is not publicly available. Therefore, you have to apply for the files at the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).

You may only use the image files in accordance with the European Commission's conditions of use. The technical specifications for layout, design and form of the warnings can be found in the respective implementing decisions of the European Union.



Only tobacco companies receive the files for the purpose of labelling certain tobacco products or depicting them in advertising.


You can request the high-resolution image files for the warning notices in the online procedure or by post.

  • Online procedure
    • Fill out the online form and select the type of delivery. You can choose between sending the DVD by post or providing it via a download.
    • After logging into your organization account, you can submit the form.
    • Note: Online procedure available soon
  • By mail
    • You will find the form on the website of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture - fill it out online or download it first.
    • Print out, sign and stamp the completed form and send it by post to the BVL.
  • The BVL will check whether your application is complete and whether your company is eligible to receive the text image warnings.
  • After a positive check, you will receive the image files as a DVD by post or download. Please take the shipping and processing times into account when planning your application.


You do not have to meet any deadlines.

Required documents

You may need to submit a power of attorney.


There are no costs for you.

Processing time

Usually 1 to 4 weeks.

Release note


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
