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Procedure descriptions

Environmental and nature conservation organisations - apply for recognition

Associations that primarily promote the goals of environmental protection (environmental association) or nature conservation (nature conservation association) can apply for recognition.

With recognition, the environmental and nature conservation association can then file its own legal remedies such as objections and lawsuits.

Responsible department

the Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg as the state-wide competent authority



A prerequisite for recognition under the Environmental Remedies Act is that an association

  • according to its statutes it promotes the objectives of environmental protection on a non-material and not merely temporary basis,
  • has existed for at least three years during the period of recognition and has been active in promoting environmental protection during this period,
  • provides a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of its tasks,
  • pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of section 52 of the German Fiscal Code, and
  • allows any person who supports the aims of the association to become a member.

In order to verify the aforementioned prerequisites, the respective statutes or articles of association shall be consulted and the actual activities of the association shall be taken into account.


Send your application for recognition to the post office of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management.

During the procedure, your application will be examined to determine whether the applicant association meets the requirements.

In addition, the competent office will check whether an association focuses on promoting the objectives of nature conservation and landscape management and whether it is active throughout the state.
Such a determination in the notice of recognition additionally confers the rights of a recognised nature conservation association that is active nationwide.

Note: The Federal Environment Agency is responsible for the recognition procedure for domestic associations whose area of activity extends beyond the territory of a Land and for foreign associations.



Required documents

You will need the following application documents:

  • Application containing the contact details of the persons authorised to represent the association, such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Extract from the register of associations or commercial register
  • Proof of the pursuit of non-profit purposes
  • Documents proving the association's activities in the past three years, such as annual reports, membership magazines, newsletters, flyers or press articles
  • Statutes or articles of association of the association with:
    • Date of foundation
    • Purpose of the association
    • Membership and membership rights
    • technical, organisational and financial resources and capacity of the association
    • if recognition as a nature conservation association is sought: Statements and documents on the extent to which the association primarily promotes the objectives of nature conservation and landscape management

If the statutes or articles of association contain no or incomplete information on the above points, the association should send other suitable documents from which the required information can be obtained.



Processing time

up to six months



Legal basis

Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG):

  • § 63 Mitwirkungsrechte
  • § 64 Rechtsbehelfe

Umweltrechtsbehelfsgesetz (UmwRG):

  • § 3 Anerkennung von Vereinigungen

in Verbindung mit

Umweltverwaltungsgesetz (UVwG):

  • § 6Zuständigkeit zur Anerkennung von Umwelt- und Naturschutzvereinigungen; Beteiligungsrechte

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 05.08.2024
