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Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

Further training colleges for nursing professions - applying for state recognition

Further education institutions that wish to offer state-regulated further education for the following professions require state recognition:

- Nursing

  • Nursing
  • Paediatric nursing
  • Nursing care for the elderly
  • Curative education
  • Maternity care

The state-recognised further training courses offered are each based on a regulation of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Your further education institution must be recognised by the Regierungspräsidium (Regional Council). Only then are you allowed to carry out the further training in accordance with the respective further training ordinance

  • carry out the training,
  • Hold examinations and
  • Issue certificates.

Responsible department

the regional council (Regierungspräsidium) in whose local area of responsibility you would like to operate your continuing education institution



  • They must have enough professionally qualified management and teaching staff.
  • Their rooms must be large enough.
  • Your rooms must be equipped with the appropriate teaching and learning materials.
  • In order to ensure professional practice training components, you must provide evidence of the following:
    • the cooperation
      • with a suitable hospital
      • an outpatient nursing service or
      • a facility for the elderly or disabled, and
    • the qualification of the on-site practical instructors
  • They must observe the provisions of the respective further training ordinance.


Submit your application with all the necessary documents. The responsible office will check whether the requirements for state recognition are met. After completion of the examination, you will receive a decision and thus state recognition if you are eligible for recognition. If the requirements for recognition are not met, you will receive a negative decision.



Required documents

  • Copies of professional certificates and further education certificates of the management and teaching staff
  • Information on the premises in which you would like to set up the continuing education centre (e.g. rental agreement or other planning documents)
  • Cooperation agreements with institutions where the practical part of the continuing education will take place
  • Information about
    • Curriculum and timetables
    • assignment of the lecturers and practical instructors on-site
    • Type and implementation of the required performance records
    • Form of communication with the on-site practical instructors

Note: Do you want to offer several continuing education programmes in accordance with the state's continuing education regulations? Then you must submit the documents separately for each continuing education programme.


for processing the application and the final decision: EUR 200.00 to 300.00

Note: The competent body has to check the requirements for recognition separately for each CET programme because of the different CET contents. Therefore, the costs are incurred separately for each area of continuing education.


The competent body regularly inspects your institution.

Release note

15.01.2024; Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg
