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Die Inhalte auf diesen Seiten stammen vom Serviceportal des Landes Baden-Württemberg und werden automatisch synchronisiert. Das Portal bietet die Möglichkeit, sich einen personalisierten Zugang einrichten und persönliche Dokumente sicher abzuspeichern, um sie jederzeit elektronisch verfügbar zu haben.

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Barrierefrei ins Amt: Mit dem Wegweiser www.heidelberg.huerdenlos.de finden Sie Hinweise zur barrierefreien Zugänglichkeit der Ämter und Dienststellen der Stadt Heidelberg.

Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

School report - apply for replacement in case of loss

In Baden-Württemberg, schools keep these records for at least 30 years.

After 30 years, authority records must be offered to the state archive.

This includes records that are necessary for issuing replacement certificates.

They should delete them no later than 60 years after they leave the school.

Responsible department

the school that issued the original certificate



You have lost a graduation or leaving certificate.


You should apply for a replacement certificate in person at the former school. The school must verify your identity in an appropriate manner (e.g. by presenting proof of identity).

If the original certificate is not older than 30 years, the school can issue the replacement certificate directly to you in most cases.

Note: If the original certificate is older than 30 years and the school no longer has any records, they might be at the National Archives.

Required documents

Identity card or passport as proof of identity


depending on administrative expenses: EUR 50.00 - 175.00