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Barrierefrei ins Amt: Mit dem Wegweiser www.heidelberg.huerdenlos.de finden Sie Hinweise zur barrierefreien Zugänglichkeit der Ämter und Dienststellen der Stadt Heidelberg.

Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

Special uses on public roads - applying for a permit and traffic order

Would you like to use a road for more than the normal use?

The use of a road beyond public use constitutes a special use and requires a permit.

The road construction authority decides on the granting of permission.

The following events, for example, fall under the term special use (list not exhaustive):

  • Erection of scaffolding, containers, cable bridges, tables, chairs
  • Construction of private lines
  • Storage of materials or parking of construction vehicles and machinery

Parallel to the permit, you must apply for a traffic order from the road traffic authority.

Responsible department

The road construction authority (in urban areas) is

  • for federal, state and district roads:
    • for special use of the carriageway: the district office or, in urban districts, the municipal administration
    • for the special use of pavements and car parks: the municipalities
  • for municipal roads: the municipality
  • Above a certain size, the municipalities can also be responsible for the road construction of federal, state and district roads for carriageways, footpaths and car parks in urban areas (i.e. in local thoroughfares):
    • for federal roads: Municipalities with a population of 80,000 or more
    • for state and district roads: Municipalities with a population of 30,000 or more.



You would like to use a road more than is usual.


Apply for the permit and the traffic law order from the competent authority.
You can do this in person, in writing or digitally.

The local road traffic authority will work out the authorisation requirements together with

  • the person making the application,
  • the other authorities affected by the planned special use and
  • the police.

The competent authority will send you, as the applicant, the approved application in the form of a traffic order, possibly with conditions and requirements and the permit, as a notice.


Submit the application in good time, as the approval process can take up to two months for measures that require extensive coordination.

Required documents

  • complete application
    This also includes necessary additional documents such as traffic sign plan, site plan, photos or sketches, which you must submit to the authorising authority on request
  • RSA qualification certificate in accordance with MVAS 99
    RSA stands for guidelines for traffic safety at road works.
    Every person who carries out road safety measures must be qualified in accordance with the MVAS 99 leaflet.


depending on the fee schedule and the workload of the competent authority

They take into account, among other things

  • The nature and extent of the impact on the road
  • the economic interest of the applicant

Enquire with the competent authority.

Processing time

depending on the type, location and scope of the event: up to two months



Legal basis

Straßengesetz für Baden-Württemberg (StrG)

  • § 16 Sondernutzung
  • § 16a Sondernutzung durch Carsharing
  • § 17 Sondernutzung an Ortsdurchfahrten
  • § 18 Zufahrt und Zugang
  • § 19 Sondernutzungsgebühren

Bundesfernstraßengesetz (FStrG)

  • § 8 Sondernutzungen; Verordnungsermächtigung
  • § 8a Straßenanlieger

Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (StVO)

  • 45 Absatz 6 Verkehrszeichen und Verkehrseinrichtungen
  • 46 Absatz 1 Nr. 8 Ausnahmegenehmigung und Erlaubnis
    für Inanspruchnahme von öffentlichem Verkehrsgrund im Rahmen einer Sondernutzung

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 31.07.2024
