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Barrierefrei ins Amt: Mit dem Wegweiser www.heidelberg.huerdenlos.de finden Sie Hinweise zur barrierefreien Zugänglichkeit der Ämter und Dienststellen der Stadt Heidelberg.

Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

Apply for equalisation of a disability with a severe disability

People with a degree of disability (GdB) of 50 or more are considered severely disabled. If you have a GdB of 30 or 40, you can apply for equal status with severely disabled people under certain conditions.

The special regulations for severely disabled people apply to disabled people with equal status, with the exception of

  • the right to additional leave and
  • the right to free public transport.

Responsible department

the employment agency responsible for your place of residence.



  • Your GdB is 30 or 40.
  • Because of your disability, you can, without the equalisation
    • you cannot find a suitable job or
    • You cannot keep your old job.

Young people with disabilities and young adults with disabilities during vocational training or vocational orientation are considered to be on an equal footing, even if

  • the GdB is less than 30, or
  • a GdB has not been established.

Aen Application for equality you do not have to apply. The Proof of disability is provided by

  • a statement from the Employment Agency or
  • a decision on benefits for participation in working life.

The special regulations for severely disabled persons do not apply to youths and young adults of equal status during vocational training. Employers providing training receive subsidies towards the costs of vocational training.


You can apply for equality in writing, verbally or by telephone.


No specific deadlines apply.

Required documents

  • Determination notice from the pension office in the district office or other notice about your GdB


The application is free of charge.


The Employment Agency will check your application. You will receive a written decision as to whether your application has been approved or rejected.

Legal basis

Sozialgesetzbuch Neuntes Buch (SGB IX)

  • § 2 Abs. 3 Begriffsbestimmung
  • §§ 151-152 Besondere Regelungen zur Teilhabe schwerbehinderter Menschen

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 16.09.2024
