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Procedure descriptions

Alternative school - apply for state recognition

State recognition gives the alternative school the right to hold examinations and issue certificates such as the Abitur itself.

As a rule, it is valid for an unlimited period.

Responsible department

The Regional Council in whose district the school is located.



The requirements for state recognition are:

  • The alternative school has been successfully in operation for three years. This waiting period may be waived if
    • an already recognised alternative school is expanded or
    • the provider of an existing state-recognised alternative school establishes another alternative school of the same type.
  • The teaching is based on a curriculum approved by the school supervisory authority.
  • The teaching objective of the corresponding public school is achieved.
  • The transfer of pupils from the alternative school to a corresponding public school and vice versa is possible without particular difficulties.
  • The alternative school applies the applicable admission and transfer regulations of the corresponding public schools.
  • The school management has the academic and pedagogical aptitude required for its task.
  • The teachers fulfil the requirements for a teaching post at public schools corresponding to their activity. Deviations are possible depending on the special circumstances of a public school.


As the responsible body of the school, you apply for recognition in writing. There is no specific form.

The handwritten signature of the school authority or a person authorised to represent the school is required.

After the examination, you will receive a notification of recognition or rejection.


In good time in consultation with the responsible office.

Required documents

If the competent body already had all the required documents when it approved your alternative school, you do not need to attach any further documents to your application for state recognition.


  • Area of the Ministry of Education: EUR 300.00 - 1,000
  • Area of the Ministry of Social Affairs: EUR 50.00 - 1,000

Legal basis

Privatschulgesetz (PSchG):

  • § 10 Anerkennung von Ersatzschulen

Vorschriften des Kultusministeriums und des Ministeriums Ländlicher Raum zum Vollzug des Privatschulgesetzes (VVPSchG):

  • Nr. 12 Anerkennung von Ersatzschulen

Anlage zur Gebührenverordnung Kultusministerium (GebVO KM):

  • Nr. 17.2 Gebührenverzeichnis

Anlage zur Gebührenverordnung Sozialministerium (GebVO SM):

  • Nr. 19.2 Gebührenverzeichnis

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Kultusministerium and Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 30.05.2016

