Don't hesitate to contact us:

Office of Social Welfare and Senior Citizens
Amt für Soziales und Senioren
Bergheimer Straße 155
69115 Heidelberg

Don't hesitate to contact us:

Central Administration Office
(Bürgeramt Mitte)
Bergheimer Str. 69
69115 Heidelberg
Fax +49 (62 21) 58-4 91 50

Refugees in Heidelberg. (Photo: Dorn)

Refugees in Heidelberg

A duty that concerns the whole city

Nearly 80 million people around the world are fleeing hardship, war and terror – more than ever before. The city of Heidelberg is affected in three main areas: it takes care of accommodation and integration for refugees allocated to the local authority; it takes care of unaccompanied minors from abroad; and it supports the central registration center for Baden-Württemberg in Patrick Henry Village. In addition, large numbers of volunteers and organizations, societies, businesses and other facilities are involved in helping refugees in Heidelberg.

FAQ in scrabble tiles (Photo: Stein)

People often ask

Answers to frequently asked questions

How many refugees live in Heidelberg? How are they integrated? Who takes care of refugees in Heidelberg? 
Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found here.

Family (Photo: Dorn)

Decentralized Accommodation

Heidelberg council sites

Refugees who have applied for asylum are currently housed at four locations in the Heidelberg administrative area and in private accommodation. There are plans for further accommodation in all areas of the city.

Refugees taking a language course (Photo: Rothe)

Collaboration with neighbourhood initiatives

Local integration

Voluntary neighborhood initiatives are springing up across Heidelberg to help with the integration of refugees. They work in close collaboration with the city council.

Registration at PHV (Photo: Rothe)

Arrival Centre for Baden-Württemberg

Patrick Henry Village (PHV)

At the PHV Arrival Center for Baden-Württemberg, refugees are registered and given a medical check-up. They also submit their asylum application here.
