Don't hesitate to contact us:

Central Administration Office
Bergheimer Straße 147 (Landfriedgebäude)
69115 Heidelberg
Fax +49 (62 21) 58-1 73 80

If you have a question or wish to report an incident of discrimination, please contact:

Office of Equal Opportunities
(Amt für Chancengleichheit)
Bergheimer Str. 69
69115 Heidelberg


The project GUIDE4YOU is aimed at women who are affected by domestic violence in particular in the acute phase following an assault, and to support them according to their individual needs. read more

Help with discrimination

Municipal Anti-Discrimination Agency

Flyer discrimination

When people, for no objective reason, are unequally treated or devalued because of certain characteristics, this is called discrimination. Such characteristics can be, for example, ethnic origin, colour, language, sex, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Heidelberg says No to discrimination and social exclusion. The Office of Equal Opportunities (Amt für Chancengleichheit) is the point of contact for all who feel discriminated against and for people who wish to tackle discrimination. Heidelberg says No to discrimination and social exclusion

Discrimination reporting form

Please note that the Municipal Anti-Discrimination Agency can act only when Heidelberg residents are concerned or where discrimination has occurred within the city limits of Heidelberg. 

This is how we proceed

  • You can contact us in writing or by telephone at any time. By prior arrangement, you can also have a personal conversation with us.
  • Conversations with us are confidential. We are subject to legal confidentiality.
  • We act only if you explicitly ask us to.
  • We assess your case.
  • We collect opinions from the person or persons responsible, hear witnesses etc.
  • We study the possible options and solutions.
  • We arrange contact with specialized bodies if necessary.
  • We cannot act as a lawyer for you.

Further key activities

  • Information on the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - AGG)
  • Raising public awareness for the right to equal treatment and protection against discrimination
  • Development, implementation and promotion of projects
  • Linking up initiatives and associations in the field of anti-discrimination work

Legal basis
