Don't hesitate to contact us:

Central Administration Office
Bergheimer Straße 147 (Landfriedgebäude)
69115 Heidelberg
Fax +49 (62 21) 58-1 73 80

Consultation in the Administration Office Rohrbach. (Photo: Rothe)

Registration & Residence Permit

Calling Heidelberg home

On changing residence you must be registered within two weeks at one of the local Administration Offices. Married couples and families with underaged children can be registered on one common registration form. In other cases, you have to use separate registration forms. Please bring all passports of the persons concerned. If you own a motor vehicle, you must have it registered as well. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the staff of the Central Administration Office ('Bürgeramt Mitte').

Form "Registration"

If you wish to visit the Foreigners' Registration Office please make an appointment with the relevant case worker. The information desk, telephone +49 6221 58-17520 will put you through to the relevant case worker.

Residence permit for Germany

To enter and to reside in Germany, non-EU-citizens are required a residence permit. In each residence permit, the reason for residence must be stated clearly. Moreover, it needs to contain information on a possible right to practise a remunerative occupation.

The residence titles are issued as: Visa, Residence Permit, EU Blue Card, Settlement Permit and Permit for Permanent Residence-EC.

To have your residence permit granted or renewed, you can fill in the corresponding form online in your language. Together with the necessary documents it can then be submitted electronically. (Please note: A statement of the residents‘ registration office on page 3 is not required!)


There is a fee for processing your request and granting a residence permit. We therefore recommend that you have an informal consultation before making a request for a permanent residence permit. We can then determine for you, before any costs arise, the likelihood of granting you a residence permit.

All you need to know about visa & co.

Don't hesitate to contact us:

Central Administration Office
Bergheimer Straße 147 (Landfriedgebäude)
69115 Heidelberg
Fax +49 (62 21) 58-1 73 80

General conditions for grant

  • completely filled in application form
  • assured livelihood coverage including sufficient protection provided by health insurance
  • clear identity and citizenship
  • no reason for expulsion
  • no impairing or endangering of the Federal Republic’s interests for any reason
  • valid passport
  • entry with required visa
  • decisive steps have been taken in your visa application


The embassies and consulate generals (representations of foreign countries) of the Federal Republic of Germany, in whose administrative district the residence or domicile of the visa applicants is normally located, are responsible for granting the visa.

EU- and EFTA-citizens as well as people coming from Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, from New Zealand and the United States of America can enter the Federal Republic of Germany without a visa. A necessary residence permit can be applied for on the federal territory.

Entrants from other countries are generally required to obtain a visa for stays in Germany.

For people coming from states whose visa requirement has been lifted by the European Union there is no need to apply for a visa for visits of up to 90 days per half-year.

Here you can get an overview of the visa conditions

Short-term visa (visit visa)

  • plausibility and accountability of the reason for travelling to Germany
  • financing livelihood and travel costs with one’s proper fortune/revenues
  • willingness to leave the Schengen area again before the visa expires
  • presentation of a sufficient health insurance that is valid in the whole Schengen area and for the complete length of the stay

If it is not possible to prove your ability to finance the resulting costs yourself, you can hand in a formal commitment declaration (in German) according to the Law of Residence §§ 66, 68, declaring a third person to finance your costs.

Persons whose stay would endanger security or public order in the Schengen States or who do not meet one or more of the above conditions can not be issued a visa

Long-term visa

A visa for long-term stays (over three months or stays leading to employment) must always be applied for at the responsible foreign mission before entry. It may require the approval of the competent foreigners authority in Germany. The foreigners authority of the place where the visa holder will take up residence is responsible.

Temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis)

A temporary residence permit can be obtained in the following cases:

  • residence for educational reasons
  • residence due to remunerative occupation (profession and self-employed activity)
  • residence for humanitarian or political reasons or due to international law
  • residence for family reasons (with foreigners or Germans)
  • residence of returners, former Germans and those who are granted permanent residence in other EU-states

A temporary residence permit states clearly whether employment is permitted and for which reason it has been granted.

It can be renewed, provided that the general conditions for grant are still fulfilled and the reason for residence holds still true. It is taken into account whether someone has properly participated in an integration course.

EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is a temporary residence permit as well. Third-country nationals with a university degree or comparable qualification can obtain such a card in order to pursue employment appropriate to their qualifications. A further prerequisite is proof of an employment relationship with a minimum gross salary of two-thirds of the annual contribution assessment ceiling of the general pension insurance (2021: 56,800 euros). For the so-called "shortage occupations," the minimum gross salary limit has been reduced to 52 percent of the contribution assessment ceiling (2021: 44,304 euros).

When it is granted for the first time, the EU Blue Card is limited to a maximum of four years if the job contract requires a corresponding or longer period. If the duration of the employment contract is less than four years, the EU Blue Card is issued for the duration of the employment contract plus three months.

According to the Highly Qualified Workers Directive, permission must be obtained from the immigration authorities before each change of job during the first two years of employment.

Holders of an EU Blue Card can obtain a settlement permit (unlimited) after 33 months of highly qualified employment if (mandatory) contributions to the statutory pension insurance or comparable benefits are proven for this period. As far as language skills of level B1 are proven, the settlement permit can already be granted after 21 months.

Further information on the EU Blue Card can also be found on the homepage of the Federal Agency for migration and refugees.  

Permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis)

A permanent residence permit entitles its owner to practise a remunerative occupation in Germany. In order to be granted such a permit, usually the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • livelihood must be ensured
  • giving proof of at least 60 compulsory contributions to legal pension insurance
  • fundamental immunity from criminal prosecution
  • permission for employment
  • if necessary, permission for self-employment
  • sufficient knowledge of the German language
  • basic knowledge of the German legal and social systems as well as of living conditions in Germany
  • sufficient space for living

Besides those fundamental regulations, there are some supplementary special regulations to be considered, according to which such a permanent residence permit can be granted as well:

Permission for permanent residence EG (Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EG)

The permit for permanent residence EC is also an unlimited residence title that entitles the holder to pursue gainful employment. In addition, this residence title also entitles the holder to mobility within the European Union. A permission for permanent residence EG is the basis for obtaining a right of residence in other European countries under simplified conditions


Basically any citizen of a foreign state who possesses a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) and has lived in the Federal Republic of Germany for a minimum of 8 years can make a request for naturalization. There are naturalization facilitations for certain groups of persons.

If your principal residence is in Heidelberg, then the Nationality Office ('Staatsangehörigkeitsbehörde') at Bergheimer Str. 69 is responsible for you.

The staff of the Nationality Office will gladly inform you about the prerequisites for your naturalization. Please bring your national passport with you.