Calendar of Events
You want to know which events are taking place in Heidelberg?

Visit Heidelberg's Calender of Events

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Heidelberg Marketing GmbH
Neuenheimer Landstraße 5
69120 Heidelberg


People relaxing on the Neckarlauer (Photo: Dittmer)

Free Time - Lots of Activities

"Little Big City" Heidelberg

Free time in Heidelberg is filled fast: Various leasure and culture offers, the rich gastronomic scene and the diverse shopping options shape the vitality of the "Little Big City" Heidelberg. Event-Highlights such as the music festival Heidelberger Frühling, the international Literature Days or the famous performances of the Fünf-Sparten-Theater in the old city shape the quality of the experience Heidelberg as much as sporty and nature-related leisure activities or the much visited city and district festivals.


 Schlossfestspiele: Zuschauer auf dem beleuchteten Schlosshof (Foto: Diemer)

There are nearly 100 Events daily in the Heidelberg calender of events. Major top festivals are at home here.


Heidelberger Literaturtage - viele Menschen vor dem Zelteingang (Foto: Annemone Taake)

Heidelbergs heart is beating for culture: The city besides the Neckar is an Unesco City of Literature and has a highly diverse and vibrant cultural scene.

Activities from A-Z

Kinder auf einer Drehscheibe auf der Neckarwiese (Foto: Dorn)

Whatever your idea of leisure, you'll find it on your doorstep in Heidelberg – and we have a particularly wide range of activities for children. 


Zwei Männer kämpfen um einen Handball (Foto: Anspach)

120 sports clubs, 22 municipal sports facilities, 40 sports halls, two outdoor pools, four indoor pools - Heidelberg is a city of sports.


Zwei junge Frauen schlendern mit Einkaufstüten durch die Heidelberger Hauptstraße (Foto: Stadt Heidelberg)

Heidelberg's historic Old City has almost a mile of pedestrianized streets that are home to traditional independent shops of all kinds.


Gruppe am Tisch auf dem Heidelberger Marktplatz (Foto: Buck)

Whether you're looking for fine cuisine or a traditional restaurant, student pubs, cozy cafés or trendy bars, Heidelberg has it all! 
