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Heidelberg Marketing GmbH
Neuenheimer Landstraße 5
69120 Heidelberg


Gruppe am Tisch auf dem Heidelberger Marktplatz (Foto: Buck)

Eating out

Good food in a variety of settings

If you like good food, come to Heidelberg. The city offers a wide range of options, from traditional hostelries to stylish restaurants, crowded student pubs and trendy bars to cozy cafés.

If you find yourself strolling through the Old City, don’t forget to call into one of the many cafés. The mile-long pedestrianized that has been created in the Hauptstraße, as well as the adjacent lanes and alleyways, offers plenty of scope for enjoying a cup of coffee. Take Café Knösel, for example – Heidelberg’s oldest café in Haspelgasse. It was here that in the 19th century Fridolin Knösel, chocolatier and master confectioner, invented the famous Heidelberg "student kiss" - a type of chocolate confectionery that a student presented to the object of his affection many years ago. It is still manufactured according to the original recipe.

If you are hungry, the Old City and surrounding districts have many inns and restaurants that fit the bill, whether you are a fan of fine dining or prefer more traditional fare. Hearty home cooking, exotic sushi or fine French cuisine – every taste is covered by the restaurant list.

When the sun comes out, the people of Heidelberg head outdoors. With its countless beer-gardens and sun terraces, the city exudes a positively Mediterranean flair that is perfect for eating and drinking. And later on the bars and clubs also open their doors to evening strollers and night-owls – and become the meeting place of choice for locals and visitors alike.
