Don't hesitate to contact us:

Central Administration Office
(Bürgeramt Mitte)
Bergheimer Str. 69
69115 Heidelberg
Fax +49 (62 21) 58-4 91 50

Motor vehicles

Driving licenses (Führerscheine) - general information

In any Local Administration Office and in the Central Administration Office you can make a request for

  • replacement driving licenses
  • international driving licenses
  • changing your old format driving license into a new format card driving license

Our 'Fuehrerscheinstelle' (Driving License Division) located in the ADAC building, Pleikartsförster Str. 116, 69124 Heidelberg-Kirchheim, offers not only the three services listed above but also the following:

  • extension of the driving license
  • prolongation of class C, C1, CE, C1E, D, DE, D1 and D1E
  • changing a foreign driving license into a German one
  • first issue of a driving license
  • passenger driving license
  • reissue of a driving license
  • changing a duty driving license into a general driving license
  • changing a US Army driving license (USAREUR License) into a driving license for privately owned vehicles

Replacement driving licences

If you have lost your driving license or if it was stolen, you have to report the loss or theft to the local police. In order to apply for a replacement, please bring the following items with you:

  • request form
  • identity card or passport
  • 1 biometric photograph (35 x 45 mm; person without headgear)
  • affirmation in lieu of an oath, if driving license was lost
  • If your driving license was not issued in Heidelberg you need: a copy of the original file

Fee: € 27.30 (in case of theft), € 65.00 (in case of loss)

International driving licences

You can have an international driving license issued in addition to your national driving license. This is sort of a ‚translation’ of the national classes according to international standards.

In general, an international driving license will be needed outside Europe only. An international driving license does not entitle you to drive motor vehicles within Germany. International driving licenses will be issued for 3 years. After this, you will have to make a request for a new international driving license; a renewal is impossible.

Please bring the following items with you:

  • request form
  • identity card or passport
  • EU card driving license (Note, if you possess an old format driving license you must first exchange this for a new format card license before applying for an international driving license)
  • 1 biometric photograph (35 x 45 mm; person without headgear)

If your driving license was not issued in Heidelberg you need

  • a copy of the original file

Fee: € 16.30

Changing your old driving license into a card driving license (Class 1 and 3)

Please bring the following items with you:

  • request form
  • identity card or passport
  • driving license
  • 1 biometric photograph (35 x 45 mm; person without headgear)

If your driving license was not issued in Heidelberg you need

  • a copy of the original file

Fee: € 24.00

Changing a US Army driving license (USAREUR License) into a general license

Changing a US Army driving license (USAREUR License) into a driving license for privately owned vehicles is only possible if the driving license was issued before March 28, 1998. Please bring the following items with you:

  • certificate issued by the Mannheim Headquarter confirming that you hold a USAREUR driving license obtainable from:

    Registry of Motor vehicles
    Unit 29230
    67673 Enkenbach-Alsenborn
    telephone: (+49 6302) 67-4606 or 67-4613
  • identity card
  • USAREUR driving license
  • US driving license
  • eye test certificate
  • certificate confirming successful completion of a first aid course
  • 1 biometric photograph

Parking permits (Parkausweise)

You can get a parking permit at the Local Administration Office of your city district provided you have your principal residence there and are the owner of a car or the person who is provably entitled to the permanent use of a car. For the residents of Bergheim and Weststadt, Buergeramt Mitte (Central Administration Office) is the relevant office, for Neuenheim it is Buergeramt Neuenheim, for Rohrbach it is Buergeramt Rohrbach and for the old town it is Buergeramt Altstadt.

Please bring your identity card or passport with you, plus the vehicle registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I) and, if applicable, the certificate of permanent use issued by the owner of the car. If the vehicle is owned by an industrial enterprise please also submit the registration of the trade or business; in the case of a leased vehicle or a company car that is also used for private purposes a certificate of the leasing company or the employer has to be submitted.

A parking permit costs € 36 and is valid for one year. You can, of course, get tickets for visitors at the Local Administration Offices.

If you have any questions concerning special use of the old town pedestrian precinct, please contact Buergeramt Altstadt. Special parking permits for disabled persons in categories ‘AG’ (extraordinary disability which makes walking difficult) or ‘BL’ (blind) can be issued at every Buergeramt.

Registration or transfer of a motor vehicle (Fahrzeugzulassung und Umschreibung)

Motor vehicles must be registered at one of the Local Administration Offices.

If you have a new car please bring the vehicle title (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil II), Certificate of Conformity, a current insurance certificate and your passport or identity card with you. If the vehicle will not be registered under your name, you need a power of attorney from the owner of the car.
If the vehicle is to be registered to a commercial enterprise, you need, in addition, an extract from the commercial register and a trade registration, if existing.

If the registration of a vehicle is to be transferred to a new owner, please also bring the license plates and the vehicle registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I) with you.

Registration/transfer of registration will cost you between € 18.60 and € 35.00. Furthermore, additional costs for vanity plates, emission sticker, etc. may be incurred.

If you want to import a car into the Federal Republic of Germany for a period exceeding 3 months a number of different documents, depending on the country of origin, will be required.

For information please call KFZ-Zulassungsstelle (Motor Vehicle Registration Office), Pleikartsförster Str. 116, 69124 Heidelberg.

When taking a vehicle registered in the Federal Republic of Germany to a foreign country for a longer period of time it may be advisable to cancel the German registration and export the vehicle with export licence plates or temporary licence plates. In this case, too, it is advisable to first contact the staff at the KFZ-Zulassungsstelle (Motor Vehicles Registration Office).

Temporary or final cancellation of the registration of a motor vehicle (KFZ-Stilllegung)

Please contact one of our Local Administration Offices if you want to temporarily cancel the registration of your motor vehicle. Please bring the vehicle title (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil II), the vehicle registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I) and the license plates with you. The cost of a temporary cancellation is € 5.60 for vehicles registered within the city boundaries of Heidelberg and €10.70 for vehicles registered outside Heidelberg.

If you want to cancel the registration of your vehicle permanently because the vehicle is to be scrapped then it is necessary to submit a proof of recycling. In this case an additional fee of € 5.10 is due and you will receive a certificate for the proper disposal.

Traffic tickets (Strafzettel)

You have found a ticket for a traffic offence on your windscreen and have questions about it?

Or you have already received by post a “Schriftliche Verwarnung/Anhörung“ (written warning ticket/questionnaire), a „Bußgeldbescheid“ (atonement order) or a „Kostenbescheid“ (notice of costs) for a traffic offence and have questions?

Then please contact our Legal Office - Administrative Offences Division -, Ms Stark, telephone (+49 6221) 58-16230 or Ms Knörzer, telephone 58-16380.

Terms of payment

For cost and security reasons we handle all our payment transactions cashless as far as possible. Please therefore transfer your payments exclusively to

Sparkasse Heidelberg, Bankleitzahl (bank routing number) 672 500 20,
Konto-Nummer (account number) 3999

For bank transfers from abroad please use the following data:

IBAN: DE 37 6725 0020 0000 0039 99

You can, of course, also make a cash payment without fees. Please use our cash desk at the ground floor of Bergheimer Straße 153. The cash desk will be open at the following times:

On Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
On Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
On Fridays from 8:00 to 12:30 p.m.

Important note

Please make sure that you quote our file number (starting with 505 …) when making bank transfers to our above-mentioned account.
