The City of Heidelberg's waste collection has adjusted its itinerary. For about ten per cent of properties, the pick-up days or weeks for the skips will therefore change from 1 January 2022 on.
Information about the new waste collection days:
Waste collection calendar 2022: The pick-up days are listed in the waste collection calendar 2022. Printed forms will be available at the citizens' offices - for all those households that do not have Internet access. The waste collection calendar is available below as a pdf for printing.
Online waste collection calendar: Additionally it offers an overview over the dates for the individual streets. This overview can be printed and moreover it has a remind-me function.
In the districts Neuenheim, Pfaffengrund, Weststadt and Ziegelhausen the new itinerary was corrected. However, the pdf files of the waste collection calendar are correct.
Pick-up dates online
If you are just looking for the collection dates for your own street, you can find these in the online waste collection calendar, which gives details of collection dates for residual waste, biowaste, paper and cardboard, and the yellow bag/yellow bin, listed by street name and number. The individual tabulation can be printed.
You can also set up reminders for pick-up dates and the possibility of downloading the calendar to your own computer.
Users of mobile phones can also install the municipal application "mein Heidelberg". Besides many other functions, it is possible to see and set up reminders for pick-up dates. The application can be downloaded for free on mobile phones with the operating systems Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store).
Postponement of waste collection in 2023/2024
If pick-up dates fall onto public holidays, the waste collection will not run regularly.
Heidelberg's recycling centres will be closed on the following days
Tuesday, 13 February 2024 (only open until 12 noon)
Easter Saturday, 30 March 2024
Saturday, 2 November 2024
Opening hours recycling department stores' "Die Möbelhalle" The opening hours in the "Möbelhalle" are from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm and Saturday, from 9 am to 3 pm.
Discount weeks of the "Kurpfälzer Soil" in April 2024
Discount weeks from Tuesday, 2 April until Saturday, 27 April 2024
Heidelberg's compost will be processed further to flower and potting compost. For this the City cooperates with the company "Humus und Erden Kontor GmbH".
To get to know the Palatinate's Soil (Kurpfälzer Erden), the City of Heidelberg offers 10 per cent discount on the new bagged cargo of the Soil. Premium flower compost, compost for plant on balconies and in pots, premium potting compost as well as premium mulch. Be convinced be the high quality of the Palatinate's Soil.
Fall cleaning instead of spring cleaning 2024
From Saturday, 16 March to Sunday, 24 March 2024, the city of Heidelberg is organising a city-wide spring clean. For one week, citizens, groups, companies and clubs in Heidelberg are called upon to take part in the big clean-up so that public spaces, school routes, kindergarten and club grounds as well as forests and meadows are sparkling clean at the end of the cleaning week. Various days have a special motto.