Don't hesitate to contact me:

Office of Sports Facilities and Health Promotion
(Amt für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung)
Tiergartenstraße 13/1
69121 Heidelberg
Fax (0 62 21) 40 22 63

Gymnasts at the Castle (Photo: Buck)

Municipal sports facilities

Promoting fitness and well-being

Sports clubs and associations are not the only organizations in Heidelberg offering residents a varied program of sports activities: The City of Heidelberg’s Office of Sports Facilities and Health Promotion also plays its part in helping citizens keep fit, by offering numerous popular courses catering to a wide range of user groups

Gymnast at the Castle (Photo: Buck)


Sports activities and facilities

Water aerobics classes – held in the indoor swimming pools Darmstädter-Hof-Centrum, Hallenbad Hasenleiser and Hallenbad Köpfel, and in the summer in the Thermalbad outdoor pool – are suitable for participants of all ages. 

For those looking for an effective whole-body workout, the aquajogging, aquabike and aquajumping courses, and the breast stroke and front crawl courses for beginners and experienced swimmers, are ideal. They promote flexibility, endurance and balance and work the leg, arm, abdominal and back muscles, but put no strain whatsoever on joints, because of the ‘cushioning’ effect of the water. 

Water gymnastics classes for pregnant women are a great way for expectant mothers to keep fit and prepare for the birth. These special courses are led exclusively by fully-qualified midwives.

Sports centers in Heidelberg also offer regular back exercise classes.

You can register for all courses directly with the Office of Sports Facilities and Health Promotion.
