Don't hesitate to contact us:

Office of Social Welfare and Senior Citizens
Amt für Soziales und Senioren
Bergheimer Straße 155
69115 Heidelberg

Don't hesitate to contact us:

City of Heidelberg
(Stadtverwaltung Heidelberg)
Rathaus, Marktplatz 10
69117 Heidelberg
Fax +49 (62 21) 58-1 09 00

City's Administration Offices


Frequently asked questions

About the flight from Ukraine


Are Ukrainians allowed to enter Germany without a visa?

Ukrainian nationals with biometric passports do not need a visa for short stays of up to 90 days to travel to the Schengen area. More information

90 Tage

Do Ukrainians who have already entered Germany for a short stay have to leave Germany after the 90 days have expired?

Ukrainian nationals who have entered Germany without a visa for a short stay can obtain a residence permit for a further stay of 90 days after the 90 days have expired. You can contact the Immigration Authorities of the City of Heidelberg by telephone at 06221 58-17994 or 06221 58-17520.


Who to contact: who can refugees contact to get help?

  • If no accommodation is available:
    Refugees from Ukraine who do not have private housing available are accommodated in the state's initial reception centres. This includes the state's arrival centre in PHV (Grasweg, 69124 Heidelberg). Afterwards, they are assigned to the city and district authorities who will provide them with temporary accommodation.
  • If you are staying with friends or relatives in Heidelberg:
    Refugees from Ukraine who arrive in the municipality of Heidelberg and have friends or relatives who can provide housing can directly contact the municipal branch offices or the Foreigners' Registration Office of the City of Heidelberg, Bergheimer Straße147 (Landfried building). Benefits for living expenses are provided by the Office for Social Affairs and Senior Citizens of the City of Heidelberg, Bergheimer Straße 155. In order to support operations in the offices of the city of Heidelberg, the city has set up a Ukraine Coordination Office in Rudolf-Diesel-Straße where persons are sent from the above-mentioned municipal offices after having been given an appointment. It functions as a "field office" of the city administration and bundles offers and information regarding applications and registration, social benefits, housing and other matters. In addition, the German Red Cross has a distribution base here .
  • If you are staying with friends or relatives in the Rhine-Neckar district:
    Refugees from Ukraine who arrive in the municipality of Heidelberg and have friends or relatives in the Rhine-Neckar district who can provide living space can contact the district administration. The district has set up a "Service Point Ukraine" for this purpose at Czernyring 22/12.


Can those who have fled Ukraine obtain a residence permit?

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community has issued instructions according to which Ukrainian citizens can be granted a residence permit after entering Germany. If citizens with Ukrainian citizenship have established their residence in Heidelberg, they can obtain information on how to apply by sending an email to


Can Ukrainian nationals also apply for asylum?

Yes, they can apply for asylum at the arrival centre in the PHV. The City of Heidelberg would like to point out that in addition to the open route to the asylum procedure, Ukrainian nationals can stay without a visa for up to 90 days and then extend their stay by a further 90 days with a residence permit.  The European Union is currently considering introducing a facilitated procedure for Ukrainian nationals to continue their stay. This would mean that an asylum application would no longer be necessary. Further information on this is expected in the next few days. Regardless of this, the right to apply for asylum continues to exist at all times.


Where can Ukrainian refugees get free clothes?

A voucher for ten free pieces (basic equipment) is available in the DRK clothes shop "Jacke wie Hose" in the district Pfaffengrund (Siemensstraße 36/Hans-Bunte-Straße, 69123 Heidelberg). Please bring a passport that proves your identity. The clothes shop has special opening hours on tuesdays and thursdays. Please call for an appointment 06221 90100.


Who can refugees or their relatives and friends contact if they have procedural questions?

Ms Ipek Bolat (email:, telephone: 06221/58 17994) provides the relevant information at the administrative district branch office of the city. For general questions, the Immigration Department can still be reached at the email address The city of Heidelberg is currently working on establishing a central contact point for Ukrainian refugees on the former NATO site on Rudolf-Diesel-Straße. This is where people are meant to receive information on residence permits, accommodation and other important questions and be directed to the responsible offices.

More Information

Wie viele Flüchtlinge

How many refugees live in Heidelberg?

There are two refugees types in Heidelberg:

Refugees allocated to the local authority:

Heidelberg currently has around 450 refugees who have been allocated to the city of Heidelberg by Baden-Wurttemberg as part of agreement to take in refugees on an obligatory basis. The city provides them with food and accommodation.

Refugees in the arrival centre of Baden-Wurttemberg in Patrick-Henry-Village:

At the PHV arrival centre for Baden-Wurttemberg, the refugees are generally housed for a short period of time. Each day up to 600 refugees can be registered and given a medical check there. They also submit their asylum application there with the help of a member of staff from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). Afterwards the refugees are assigned to the region’s urban and rural administrative districts. The number of refugees housed in PHV fluctuates dramatically. There are currently about 1,500 people living there.

Wo sind Flüchtlinge derzeit untergebracht

Where are Heidelberg’s allocated refugees currently housed?

The majority of the refugees lives in accommodation belonging to the City, on Henkel-Teroson-Strasse, on Hardtstrasse, in the Patton Barracks on Kirchheimer Weg, in the former Hotel Metropol on Alte Eppelheimer Strasse, on Kleingemünder Straße in Ziegelhausen, or from the end of August 2017  at the 'Im Weiher' accommodation in Handschuhsheim. Some refugees are also housed in rented flats. Important here is for the City of Heidelberg that the accommodations are spread throughout the city and not located at one spot, in one big building as it is known from other cities.

Aufnahme weiterer Flüchtlinge

Will Heidelberg have to take in more refugees in the future?

Because the arrival centre of Baden-Wurttemberg is located in Patrick Henry Village (PHV), Heidelberg is currently exempt from taking in more refugees by allocation to municipal accommodation. However, the city's administration expects this exemption will be lifted in the future – either partially or entirely – in which case Heidelberg will need to house more refugees. This services is not voluntary – it is a legal obligation that the city of Heidelberg has to comply to.


Who is in charge of security around the refugee accommodation?

Basically, the police. However, the city of Heidelberg has also set up a round-the-clock on-call system within its social service, in close collaboration with the police. The city has also contracted a security firm that will be employed in and around the refugee accommodations. The planned expansion of the team of community support officers (kommunaler Ordnungsdienst – KOD) has already been implemented. In addition, each of the 14 locations will have a permanent on-site social worker and caretaker. The City intends to create a tight support and security network. Our motto is: we take care of people. But we also make sure that everyone follows the basic rules of the community.

Betreuung der Flüchtlinge

Who takes care of refugees in Heidelberg?

Heidelberg’s office for social affairs and senior citizens (Amt für Soziales und Senioren) together with the asylum working group (Asylarbeitskreis), Caritas, the churches’ social welfare organization (Diakonisches Werk) and the German Red Cross.

In addition, large numbers of neighborhood volunteers and organizations, clubs, businesses and other local facilities are involved in helping refugees in Heidelberg.

Integrationskonzept der Stadt

What is the city’s integration concept?

The decentralized accommodation concept provides the best conditions for integration and therefore for people to live together harmoniously and with respect for one another. Three points are key to successful integration: learning the language, school education and vocational training, and the possibility to take part in the community.

The implemented/planned projects include: a language learning center at the Volkshochschule, intensive language support in preparatory classes, purchasing new teaching materials for the city council’s refugee accommodation and the public library, courses to prepare for apprenticeships and mentoring programs, as well as joint projects with sports clubs, schools, kindergartens and church congregations.

Wie lange bleiben Flüchtlinge in kommunaler Unterbringung

Do the refugees stay for a long time in the municipal accommodation or are they continually coming and going?

Refugees in municipal accommodations usually stay in Heidelberg at least until their asylum case has been decided.

Wovon leben Flüchtlinge

What do refugees in Heidelberg live on?

All refugees are entitled to receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz). 

Kinder und Jugendliche ohne Begleitung

How are children and young people housed who arrive in Heidelberg without their parents or other family members?

Unaccompanied minors from abroad need special protection. They are therefore entrusted to the care of youth welfare offices. The Heidelberg youth welfare office is currently taking care of about 120 unaccompanied refugee minors, most of them from Afghanistan and Syria. The majority are between 15 and 17 years old. The young people generally live in homes or supervised accommodation. There are also provisions to house some individuals with foster families.

Ehrenamtliches Engagement

I would like to do voluntary work with refugees. How can I support them?

Anyone who would like to help refugees can find the main projects at

Wer beantwortet Fragen

Who is responsible for answering questions about refugees in Heidelberg?

The local public services (Bürgerservice) of the city of Heidelberg will be happy to help, telephone +49 (0)6221 58-10580 or email If you have any questions regarding volunteering, pelase contact the refugee representative of the city of Heidelberg, telephone +49 (0)6221 58-37610, E-mail: