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Outdoor keep-fit sessions

Local keep-fit sessions for the over-50s

Keep-fit session on Wilhelmsplatz square in Heidelberg’s Weststadt district (Photo: Dorn)
Keep-fit session on Wilhelmsplatz square in Heidelberg’s Weststadt district: Volunteer Wilhelm Dorrinck (77) leads a half-hour aerobic workout here every Wednesday. (Photo: Dorn)

Keep-fit sessions are now held at regular intervals in public spaces around Heidelberg, in an initiative entitled ‘Keep fit in the fresh air’. The concept is proving very popular. Run by the city’s Office of Social Welfare and Senior Citizens and the network ‘Mehr Bewegung lebenslang’ (‘Keep exercising all your life’), the project aims to motivate (mainly older) people to exercise each week, and to get out and meet other people from their local area. 

The exercises are designed to give people the fitness they need to master everyday tasks, enjoy a balanced lifestyle, maintain strength and endurance, and cope with different life situations. The organizers also believe that the project helps to reacquaint people with, and inject new life into, local public spaces. The sessions are free-of-charge, at easy-to-reach locations, and no booking is required. Anyone who would like to come is very warmly welcome. 

The current keep-fit sessions that residents can attend are:

  • Old Town (Montpellierplatz, Thursdays 9.30 am)
  • Bergheim (by the lake, Thursdays 10 am) 
  • Emmertsgrund (in front of the Senior Center, Emmertsgrundpassage 1, Tuesdays 11.30 am)
  • Handschuhsheim (Grahampark, Fridays 9.30 am)
  • Kirchheim (Festplatz, Tuesdays 10 am) 
  • Neuenheim (‘Neckarwiese’ meadow by the river Neckar, near the Senior Center, Wednesdays 10 am) 
  • Rohrbach (the garden at the Senior Center, Baden-Badener Straße 11, Thursdays 1 pm)
  • Weststadt (Wilhelmsplatz, Wednesdays 10 am)
  • Ziegelhausen (Kuchenblech, Wednesdays 9 am)

If you have any questions about the keep-fit sessions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Antje Kehder, Office of Social Welfare and Senior Citizens, City of Heidelberg, on phone +49 6221 58-38340.