Don't hesitate to contact us:

City of Heidelberg
(Stadtverwaltung Heidelberg)
Rathaus, Marktplatz 10
69117 Heidelberg
Fax +49 (62 21) 58-1 09 00

City's Administration Offices

Town Hall's "Großer Rathaussaal" (Photo: Rothe)

Political bodies

Working for Heidelberg

Down-town decision-making. The City Hall is the political center of Heidelberg – and the seat of the municipal administration. This is where the City Council meets to discuss matters related to the development of the city.

A culture of dialog. Local politics in Heidelberg are characterized by lively discussions. 13 Heidelberg District Councilors represent the interests of the individual city districts and act as advisors to the City Council and municipal administration. Dialog between the various groups within society is encouraged by the existence of a Youth Council, a Council for Migrants and an Advisory Committee for the Disabled, while on federal and national level, Heidelberg’s interests are represented by members of parliament. In addition to sending elected representatives to these municipal bodies, the people of Heidelberg are also directly consulted over major projects, thereby making an important contribution to democracy in action.

Transparent decision-making. Since 2012, Heidelberg has regularly published a list of projects being planned; the current one contains details of more than 80 municipal projects.

Anyone interested can attend the public meetings of the City Council and its various committees. The City Council usually meets once a month in the Town Hall's "Großer Rathaussaal". You can find details of dates of meetings and relevant documentation in the Municipal Gazette, the daily press or at Admission tickets can be collected from the service desk in the Town Hall foyer.