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Office of Advisory Committee for the Disabled
(Geschäftsstelle des Beirats von Menschen mit Behinderungen)
Fischmarkt 2
69117 Heidelberg

Members of the Advisory Committee for the Disabled with deputy Dr. Joachim Gerner. (Photo: Uhrig)

Advisory Committee for the Disabled

Barrier-free living

Representation. Since March 2008, the City of Heidelberg has an Advisory Committee providing continuous regional representation for people with disabilities and chronic medical conditions. The Committee works hand-in-hand with the Local Disabilities Officer.

Living together. The Advisory Committee operates as a contact body for the city administration and represents the interests of the disabled and the chronically ill. Its objective is to make life easier for the disabled and facilitate dialog with the able-bodied.

Elected body. The 15-member Advisory Committee consists of 14 people with disabilities and one seconded representative of a regional association of independent welfare providers (Liga der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege). The 14 members work on a voluntary basis and remain in office for the same period as the City Council. The Advisory Committee also seconds one member each to the Social, Youth Welfare, Building and Environmental committees, as well as the Committee for Integration and Equality of Opportunity and the Urban Development and Transport committees.
