Don't hesitate to contact me:

Office of Waste Management and Municipal Cleansing
(Amt für Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung)
Hardtstraße 2
69124 Heidelberg
Fax (0 62 21) 58-2 99 00

Disposal of waste paper

Heidelberg’s Office of Waste Management and Municipal Cleansing has offered a special paper bin for business premises, available in sizes from 240 to 1100 liters. The bin, which is for paper, card and cardboard, is free of charge for users of the basic service (Teilservice), and is emptied two-weekly. For an additional fee, companies can have the bin put out and taken back in for them.

Collection of paper bundles in main shopping streets

As there is often not enough room for a sufficiently large bin in the city's main shopping streets, a collection of paper bundles is offered here. This collection takes place weekly until 6 am in the city center and adjoining shopping streets, and two-weekly from 6 am elsewhere in the city. The paper bundle collection takes place on the same day as the paper bins are emptied, even if the emptying day has been postponed due to a public holiday. There is no need to register for this service.

Collection takes place weekly until 6 am
Untere Straße
Collection takes place weekly until 10 am
Bergheimer Straße        
Rohrbacher Straße (Weststadt)
Collection takes place two-weekly from 6 am 
Dossenheimer Landstraße
Kleingemünder Straße
Ladenburger Straße
Odenwaldstraße (Zentrum Kirchheim)
Peterstaler Straße (Zentrum Ziegelhausen)
Schwetzinger Straße (Zentrum Kirchheim)

How to bundle your paper

  • Bundle your waste paper and cardboard in such a way that they can be easily picked up, and place them by the edge of the road.
  • The collection of the bundles takes place on the same day that the regular paper bins are emptied, even if the emptying day has been postponed due to a public holiday.
  • Collection takes place any time after 10 am on streets with weekly collection, or any time from 6 am on streets with two-weekly collection.
  • You must remove any other materials, e.g. plastic or metal, that have become mixed in with the paper. To prevent the paper from becoming wet or dirty overnight, you should ideally only put it out on the morning of the collection day. Since 2009 it has not been necessary to register for collections of bundled paper.

Businesses can alternatively take old paper, cardboard, and a whole series of other recyclables, to the recycling yards in Wieblingen and Kirchheim.
