Member of staff (Photo: Ingo Cordes)

Advice & services

We are here to help

The primary aim of all waste management activities in Heidelberg is to protect the environment, either by avoiding waste, or reusing or recycling it into high-quality products. This is only possible if the public play their part, for example by buying products that generate little or no waste, or by carefully sorting their waste at home or work. 

  • 91,000 waste collection calendars distributed annually
  • 31,000 visits to the city’s ‘Waste and cleanliness’ microsite annually
  • 27,000 calls each year to the central waste hotline (+49 6221 58-29999)

The City of Heidelberg achieves these goals by raising awareness, distributing relevant information, and providing tailored advice services. All these activities aim to show people and organizations – particularly private households, schools, kindergartens and businesses – how they can produce less waste.  

+49 6221 58-29999 – the central hotline for questions, information and complaints

The central waste hotline is for use by private individuals and businesses in Heidelberg for all matters relating to waste and cleanliness. The hotline is open from 7.30 am to 4 pm Monday to Thursday, and from 7.30 am to 1 pm on Fridays. 
Outside of these hours, citizens can use the contact form to ask questions or make suggestions.

Further Information
