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69120 Heidelberg


‘Between Granite and Sandstone’:

The UNESCO Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald

Member of the UNESCO Global Network of Geoparks, and a European and national geopark

The UNESCO Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald is a 3,500 square-kilometer expanse of scenic landscape stretching from the Messel Pit UNESCO World Heritage Site to the Neckar Valley, and from the Rhine Valley to the Bauland region, passing through the attractive Odenwald mountain range on the way.

The Geopark was established in 2000 and, since then, has been working with its 100-plus member local authorities to create new ways for people to experience the landscape around them. In 2005, to help it showcase its own geological treasures, the City of Heidelberg itself became a member of the UNESCO Geo Nature Park.

Visitors to the Geopark will be amazed by the processes that have shaped the geology and landscape of the area, and the many ways in which they have influenced the culture and daily lives of the people who live here.

Major partner of ‘Natürlich Heidelberg’

Friendly Geopark guides (Photo: Rothe)
Friendly Geopark guides (Photo: Rothe)

In collaboration with the Bergstraße-Odenwald Geopark and the Neckartal-Odenwald Nature Park, the Office of Environmental Protection, Trade Supervision and Energy has developed an exciting program of events to introduce Heidelberg residents and nature lovers of all ages to the areas of the Geo Nature Park that lie in Heidelberg and its immediate vicinity. The ‘Natürlich Heidelberg’ (Naturally Heidelberg) environmental education program runs in the Park from April to November and offers a wide range of guided tours, excursions and interactive activities for children, young people and adults. The events are led by experienced Geopark Rangers, local guides and experts, forest rangers and ‘forest educators’.

All Geopark activities in and near Heidelberg are coordinated by the Office of Environmental Protection, Trade Supervision and Energy, in close collaboration with the UNESCO Geopark. Office of Environmental Protection, Trade Supervision and Energy


Natürlich Heidelberg
Office of Environmental Protection, Trade Supervision and Energy
Theaterstraße 9
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 58-28333
Fax: +49 6221 58-4628333


UNESCO-Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald e.V.
Nibelungenstraße 41
64653 Lorsch
Phone: +49 6251 70799-90

Further information

Natürlich Heidelberg program of events (25.5 MB) (16.092 MB)
