Resolution for More Respect

Written by the members of Heidelberg’s Interfaith Dialog

In a world where people face great difficulties because of their faith or ethnicity, the members of Heidelberg’s Interfaith Dialog are deeply committed to taking a stand against all ethnic, religious and other forms of persecution and discrimination.
Because of prejudice and religious fanaticism, people of different faiths are often denied basic human rights, forced to leave their homes, or left fearing for their lives. They are condemned simply for the religion they profess. Often, they are denied the right to education. Some become victims of hate crimes, are driven out of their homes or are killed.
Members of the Baha’i, Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths and of countless other religions around the world are all equally at risk. There is a clear need for action.
We, the members of Heidelberg’s Interfaith Dialog, call upon the spiritual leaders and members of all religions, political leaders, and all other people, to speak out openly against injustice, persecution and discrimination, and to play their part in eliminating prejudice.
To achieve this goal, we will need to make sacrifices for the common good, to stop claiming that our truth is the only truth, and to make serving others a central aspect of our lives. 
Let us spare no effort in working together to strengthen the foundations that will enable all people to live together in peace.
The members of Heidelberg Interfaith Dialog, July 2015
