Don't hesitate to contact us:

Coordination team Heidelberg UNESCO City of Literature
Dr. Andrea Edel, Phillip Koban, Claudia Kramatschek, Stefan Kaumkötter
Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Heidelberg
Haspelgasse 12
69117 Heidelberg


Title "Words in Resistance. Voices of Ukrainian Authors in Times of War" on Ukrainian flag

Words in Resistance
Literary voices from the Ukrainian Cities of Literature.
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The Ukrainian flag flies in front of the Heidelberg city hall (Photo: Stadt Heidelberg).

Мир та Свободу Україні! / Peace and freedom for Ukraine!
Заява солідарності гейдельберзьких письменників / Declaration of solidarity by Heidelberg writers
докладніше про це / read more

Heidelberg from above (Photo: Dittmer)


Unesco City of Literature

In Heidelberg, literature is omnipresent. Taking a walk through the city, one finds publishing houses, bookshops and libraries around every corner. Taking a look at the vibrant scene of writers, translators and theatre life, one discovers a high level of literary productiveness. No day without literary event, no summer without literary festival, no year without literary award winners. Literature is literally everywhere. Looking into the future, Heidelberg will continue to do anything to further strengthen literature. Since December 1st 2014 the city is UNESCO City of Literature within UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network.

Antiquarian (Photo: Diemer)

City of Literature

Heidelberg's literary scene

Numerous institutions and events are shaping the experience of Heidelberg as a City of Literature.
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Heidelberg's Castle and historic center (Photo: Diemer)

Literary history

Heidelberg's heritage

A brief overview of the climaxes and turning points in Heidelberg's history of literature.
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Logo City of Literature Heidelberg


UNESCO City of Literature

Heidelberg added substantial information material to its application as City of Literature.
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Old Bridge (Photo: Diemer)


What people want to know

Short answers to the most frequently asked questions about Heidelberg as City of Literature.
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Flag of the EU


Creative Cities Network

Cities worldwide are working together for cultural diversity and sustainable urban development.
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Heidelberg Literature Festival (Photo: Kresin)


No day without an event

In Heidelberg there is no day without an event. Check out Heidelberg's event calender.
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Stack of books (Photo: Dorn)


Contact & pictures

Some pictures for editorial use needed? Take a look.
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