Kindergruppe beim Spielen

Reserve a care space for your child
You can reserve a space for your baby or toddler in a crib or daycare center. to the reservation

Local childcare provisions

Close to home

All parents – and children too – prefer a nursery place close to home. Small children soon reach the age when they can walk short distances unaccompanied and meet up with neighborhood friends. And parents prefer not having to use their cars.

Children’s nurseries in every district. The City of Heidelberg is investing large sums in a bid to meet parents’ wishes for nursery provisions close to home. In 2013 the city made a total of 29 million euros available for child care – and the sum set aside for 2014 is 36 million. The result is children’s nurseries in every city district.

You can find an overview of all care services for children between the ages of zero and six, including child minders and vacation care at the "Mein Kind" Portal or all child care centers in the city district of: