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Procedure descriptions

Notify the basic supplier

Operators of energy supply networks for general supply must regularly communicate the determination of the basic supplier.

Responsible department

Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg



You are the grid operator of a general supply energy grid located in Baden-Württemberg.


As an operator of general supply energy grids, you are obliged to re-determine the basic suppliers for your grids on 1 July 2024, in each case for electricity and gas for the next three calendar years (2025 to 2027).
In addition, you must publish this on the Internet by 30 September 2024 at the latest and notify the competent authority under state law, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector (UM BW), in writing.

You are welcome to send the notification to the competent authority by email (poststelle@um.bwl.de).

Please note the following definitions of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG):

The basic supplier is the energy supply company that supplies the most household customers in a general supply grid area (Section 36 (2) sentence 1 EnWG).

The basic supply obligation is the obligation of the basic supplier in general supply grid areas to publicise general terms and conditions and general prices for the supply of low-voltage or low-pressure energy to household customers and to supply every household customer under these conditions (Section 36 (1) EnWG).

The decisive factor is not the number of connections or meters, but the number of customers. Whether these are served via a basic supply contract or a special contract is irrelevant; all household customers corresponding to the legal definition are to be taken as the basis for the determination.

According to Section 3 No. 22 EnWG, household customers are

  • Final consumers who purchase energy primarily for their own household consumption


  • Final consumers who purchase energy for their own annual consumption of no more than 10,000 kilowatt hours for professional, agricultural or commercial purposes.

A general supply grid area is defined by the area covered by the concession agreement of the respective municipality. If grids are operated within a municipality on the basis of several concession agreements, the grid operator lists the basic suppliers of the individual concession areas in its notification.


30. September 2024

Required documents

Please use the Excel file for your feedback from the basic supplier electricity.

Please use the Excel file for your feedback from the basic supplier gas.

Please note our cover letter for both cases.





Legal basis

Energiewirtschaftsgesetz (EnWG)

  • § 36 Absatz 2 Satz 2 Grundversorgungspflicht

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 20.06.2024
