Leisure activities
Something for everyone
Regardless of the weather or the season, you will find Heidelberg caters for a wide range of leisure activities, with an A to Z of possibilities leaving virtually nothing to be desired.
Nature lovers will find Heidelberg‘s extensive city forest offers ideal opportunities for active leisure pursuits: from well signposted mountain-bike trails for cyclists who like a challenge to a dense network of themed paths for joggers intent on endurance or walkers out for a pleasant stroll. There are well-tended woodland paths for everyone, whatever their pace. If you enjoy group activities you should take a look at the city’s environmental education program Natürlich Heidelberg (25.513 MB) which offers nature lovers a wide choice of outdoor events.
The range of leisure activities that the city offers for children and families is particularly diverse. In the school vacations, the extensive Heidelberg vacation program enjoys unrivaled popularity. Regardless of whether schools are on vacation or in session, Heidelberg zoo is worth visiting in any season. In 2018 the Explo Heidelberg opened there a new technical laboratory for children. And even if it’s raining, there’s no need to stay at home. The public library, city youth theatre, indoor playground and swimming pools and Sprungbude leisure park are genuine alternatives to open-air leisure activities.
And what if visitors turn up? An excursion to Heidelberg Castle or a tranquil walk on the famous Philosophenweg (Philosophers’ Path) offers unique views over the Neckar valley. Or you can discover the city from the river – there are daily river cruises with the White Fleet of the Rhein-Neckar Fahrgastschifffart line. In addition, city tours provide a good opportunity even for locals to discover new aspects of Heidelberg.