Heidelberg Leisure Map
At-a-glance guide to outings and activities
The City of Heidelberg Leisure Map (Freizeitkarte) is a must for anyone interested in exploring the area around Heidelberg by bike or on foot.
Cyclists can use the map to find a cycle route appropriate to their fitness level. Options include the Biberweg long-distance cycle routes, the Bergstraße route, the Panorama route, and the Electoral Palatinate route (Kurpfalzroute).
Using the leisure map, keen hikers can also find plenty of exciting routes all around Heidelberg. With support from the Odenwald hiking club, the many hiking trails in the leisure map have been updated, and the Neckarweg long-distance trail from Mannheim to Bad Wimpfen has been added.
Other sports are also catered for: the 7.5-kilometer Nordic walking trail to the Königsstuhl hill, and the roughly 6-kilometer inline skating route from Heidelberg to Ladenburg, are both marked, for example.
The map is a convenient and dependable companion for lovers of the great outdoors. It is made from water-repellent material and, once folded, is barely 10 by 16 centimeters in size. On a scale of 1:20,000 it covers the area from Schwetzingen to Neckargemünd and from Dossenheim to Leimen.
The Heidelberg Leisure Map is available to buy for 3 euros from bookshops, the city’s administrative offices (Bürgeramter), the Technisches Bürgeramt, the Prinz Carl administrative building on Kornmarkt, and directly from the city’s Surveyor's Office (Vermessungsamt).