Interesting facts about Bahnstadt
Facts and figures
Bahnstadt is the world’s largest passive house settlement:
From apartments and laboratories to shops, daycare facilities and schools, even the fire station and cinema – everything is built in compliance with the climate-friendly passive house design.
100% sustainable:
All power and heat is supplied entirely from renewable energies.
One of the biggest urban development projects in Germany:
Covering 116 hectares in total, the district is almost as big as Hamburg’s HafenCity. Project term: 2008 to 2022
Location for science:
The Bahnstadt campus alone covers 22 hectares.
Revitalized brownfield site:
Bahnstadt is built on the site of a former freight and marshaling depot and on land formerly used by the US Army in the southwest of central Heidelberg.

Attractive residential location:
There are currently more than 3,800 people living in Bahnstadt (as of late 2017). The first residents moved in in June 2012.
District for young families:
The average age of Bahnstadt residents is 29. One in two Bahnstadt residents is under the age of 30. Nine out of ten residents are under the age of 45.
Child-friendly district:
A baby is born every five days on average in Bahnstadt – the highest birth rate in Heidelberg. Five daycare centers are already operational, with at least four more to follow.
A place to live and work:
In future there will be 6,500 to 6,800 people living in Bahnstadt, and 5,000 to 6,000 people working there.
Around 2,300 apartments have already been built – with around 3,700 apartments planned in total.
District with excellent prospects for the future:
An estimated two billion euros is being invested in Bahnstadt.
More Information:
Bahnstadt brochure - download here (7.022 MB)