Masterplan Im Neuenheimer Feld
Prospects for the campus
Heidelberg is an internationally successful science city. Im Neuenheimer Feld, in particular, is home to a large number of renowned research institutes and clinics. This concentration within a small area provides a platform for exchange and creativity and is a key success factor for science in Heidelberg. Im Neuenheimer Feld is more than just a campus for research, science and medicine, however. It also offers attractions to the wider public, including the zoo and the Tiergarten swimming pool. In addition, the Olympic training center is located there.
The problem is that the current situation does not permit the research institutes to continue growing. They urgently need a long-term perspective for expansion. The master plan process for Im Neuenheimer Feld – a joint initiative of the City of Heidelberg, Heidelberg University and the state ministries responsible for science, research, art and finance (represented by the Mannheim and Heidelberg offices of Baden-Württemberg state property management agency), with the involvement of local citizens, users and the institutions concerned – is intended to meet this need.
On July 25, 2017, the local council decided on the agreement to begin the joint planning process. The framework agreement was signed by representatives of the city, the university and the state on October 9, 2017. This was the starting point for the master plan process for Im Neuenheimer Feld.
Result of Master Plan Procedure “Neuenheimer Feld/Neckarbogen”
The master plan procedure “Neuenheimer Feld/Neckarbogen” was developed between 2017 and 2022. Its goal was to secure, develop and future-proof the international standing of the university campus “Im Neuenheimer Feld” as scientific and research location. To continue to live up to its status as a renowned city of science, the campus “Im Neuenheimer Feld” was re-thought and re-planned in a future-oriented manner. A gradual procedure was set to ensure a step-by-step decision-making process. The project was sponsored by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg, the University of Heidelberg and the City of Heidelberg. As has been good practice in Heidelberg for a long time, the broad public was involved in the master plan from an early stage onwards.