Registration & Residence Permit
Calling Heidelberg home
On changing residence you must be registered within two weeks at one of the local Administration Offices. Married couples and families with underaged children can be registered on one common registration form. In other cases, you have to use separate registration forms. Please bring all passports of the persons concerned. If you own a motor vehicle, you must have it registered as well. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the staff of the Central Administration Office ('Bürgeramt Mitte').
Form "Registration"
If you wish to visit the Foreigners' Registration Office please make an appointment with the relevant case worker. The information desk, telephone +49 6221 58-17520 will put you through to the relevant case worker.
Residence permit for Germany
To enter and to reside in Germany, non-EU-citizens are required a residence permit. In each residence permit, the reason for residence must be stated clearly. Moreover, it needs to contain information on a possible right to practise a remunerative occupation.
The residence titles are issued as: Visa, Residence Permit, EU Blue Card, Settlement Permit and Permit for Permanent Residence-EC.
To have your residence permit granted or renewed, you can fill in the corresponding form online in your language. Together with the necessary documents it can then be submitted electronically. (Please note: A statement of the residents‘ registration office on page 3 is not required!)
There is a fee for processing your request and granting a residence permit. We therefore recommend that you have an informal consultation before making a request for a permanent residence permit. We can then determine for you, before any costs arise, the likelihood of granting you a residence permit.