City administration
Experts at hand
Accessible. Heidelberg’s city administration offers its citizens individual advice and support in almost all circumstances. Some 2.750 members of staff are available in 30 different offices to provide information on every subject from A to Z, deal with problems and questions, implement projects or provide support for schools or business start-ups.
Transparent. Heidelberg’s inhabitants are kept well informed about upcoming projects from the very outset. They have access to a regularly updated list ("Vorhabenliste") that tells them what is currently at the planning stage and how they can become personally involved in the process.
Financially sound. In times of budgetary restraint it is all the more important for local authorities to plan for the long term. In the budget for 2019/2020, EUR 214 million has been earmarked for investment. Prudent financial planning means that Heidelberg will continue to be able to fund important urban development programs such as the Bahnstadt project and the redevelopment of former military sites.
Career opportunities. The city administration offers a range of attractive career opportunities with family-friendly working conditions and good prospects of professional advancement. In 2019, 58 trainees and students started their careers with the city, and for several years it has been providing training beyond its own requirements, giving many more young people a good start in working life. Between 50% and 60% of trainees are offered jobs within the city administration itself. Posts currently available can be found at www.heidelberg.de/ausbildung. Click here for the city's job advertisements.