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Home / Living in Heidelberg / Integration
Intercultural Center (Foto: Seng)

Intercultural Center
The Intercultural Center offers different cultures and associations a meeting point and networking.. read more

Familie in der Flüchtlingsunterkunft Hardtstraße (Foto: Dorn)

Guide to the Health Care System for Migrants
Find your way around the complicated German health care system, despite possible language barriers, with useful pointers and information about counselling services. You can download the brochure here or get it from the City's Administration Offices or the Public Health Office, Kurfürsten-Anlage 38-40.
English version (1.014 MB)
Turkish version (1.113 MB)
Arabic version (890.5 KB)

Don't hesitate to contact us:

Office of Equal Opportunities
(Amt für Chancengleichheit)
Bergheimer Str. 69
69115 Heidelberg
Telefon +49 6221 58-15500

Opening of the Intercultural Center (Photo: Rothe)


Cosmopolitan Heidelberg

Heidelberg is a cosmopolitan city, home to about 160,000 people from more than 160 nations, of whom round about 56,000 have a migratory background. In Heidelberg, a welcoming and accepting culture creates the prerequisite for people to feel at home in the midst of growing diversity in their city. Decisive to the success of equal involvement is the willingness and participation of everyone: people with and without international background, politics, the administration, public and private institutions.

International Welcome Center

Landfried complex (Photo: City of Heidelberg)

The International Welcome Center Heidelberg (IWCH) offers special administrative services to foreigners and is also a social centre.

Services for immigrants

Consultation in the administrative office in Rohrbach (Photo: Rothe)

Around 500 new citizens of Heidelberg receive a naturalization certificate from the city each year. Click below to learn more about immigration to Germany and Heidelberg. 

Refugees in Heidelberg

Applicants for asylum during language learning (Photo: Rothe)

The number of refugees in Germany is growing. In Heidelberg the entire urban society helps.

Municipal Integration Plan

Living together (Photo: City of Heidelberg)

The Municipal Integration Plan aims to promote the social participation of immigrants.

Help against discrimination

Flyer 'Help with discrimination'

The Office of Equal Opportunities is the place to go for anyone who feel discriminated against or wants to take action against discrimination.

Council for Migrants

The Council for Migrants (Photo: Rothe)

The Council for Migration represents the foreign citizens living in Heidelberg and plays an advisory role in the City Council. 


Naturalization ceremony (Photo: Rothe)

The new citizens are seen as an enrichment for the city.

Interfaith Dialogue

Representatives of Heidelberg’s different religions (Photo: Rothe)

The City initiated successfully a dialogue between the different religions in Heidelberg.

European Coalition of Cities

Heidelberg is presented with a certificate confirming its membership of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism (Photo: Rothe)

Since October 2014, Heidelberg has been a member of the European Network of Cities against Racism.

Further Information

Other services include language courses

Read on for further offers, interesting projects and contacts.