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Logo GUIDE4YOU (by Stadt HD)
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Don't hesitate to contact us:

Marie-Luise Löffler. (Foto: privat)
Dr. Marie-Luise Löffler
Head of project
Bergheimer Straße 69
69115 Heidelberg
Phone 06221 58-15520

Jana Christ. (Foto: privat)
Jana Christ
Project management
Bergheimer Straße 69
69115 Heidelberg
Phone 06221 58-15522

People at lecture (Photo: Shutterstock, ID:1061719172)


Project milestones

30 September 2021

Flyer for digital symposium (Photo: Heidelberg)

Digital Symposium on the local implementation of the Istanbul Convention - Combating Domestic Violence

Please find programme and symposium presentations here (in German)

25 November 2020

GUIDE4YOU flag campaign (Photo: Heidelberg)

GUIDE4YOU Campaign Day on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

16 October 2020

Feedback Meeting with project team (Photo: Heidelberg)

Feedback meeting with the entire project team for a first interim evaluation of the online questionnaire and the guiding service

4 March 2020

Presentation of the GUIDE4YOU poster at the international conference Crime and Punishment. Eastern and Western Perspectives on Recent and Fundamental Criminological Questions, an event coordinated by the Institute for Criminology at Heidelberg University, SRH University Heidelberg and Polotsk State University in Belarus.

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18 February 2020

Jana Christ presenting GUIDE4YOU project (Photo: Heidelberg)

Presentation of the project at the Migration and Health Working Group (Heidelberg/RNK)

30 - 31 January 2020

Presentation of the project at the annual conference of the working group of equal opportunity commissioners from municipalities across Baden-Württemberg, Bad Urach

13 January 2020

Presentation of the project at the Institute of Criminology, University of Heidelberg

29. November 2019

Kick-Off-Meeting GUIDE4YOU (Foto: Stadt HD)


20. November 2019

Presentation of the project at a symposium on providing medical services to victims of violence in Baden-Württemberg

18 November 2019

Presentation at the regional meeting of equal opportunity commissioners, Pforzheim

15 November 2020

Presentation at the municipal round table against gender-based violence

13 November 2019

Presentation of the project in the municipal sub-working group "Prostitution and Violence" in order to integrate this affected group in the project

12 November 2020

Presentation of the project at the council of Heidelberg women's associations and groups

7 November 2019

Networking meeting GUIDE4YOU (Photo: City of HD)

Presentation of the project at a networking meeting for local commissioners for women and equal opportunity and other experts on equal opportunity at the Baden-Württemberg Association of Towns and Cities

1. November 2020

The project begins!