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Home / Living in Heidelberg / Integration / Municipal Integration Plan

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Municipal Integration Plan

of the City of Heidelberg

Cover page of Heidelberg’s Municipal Integration Plan

Integration is a key issue for the City of Heidelberg, because there are an estimated 47,000 people with a migration background living here. Heidelberg’s Municipal Integration Plan aims to help these people to participate more in society, and promote a climate of tolerance and understanding for different ways of life among all sections of the population.

In 2008 the research institute Sinus Sociovision conducted a survey of immigrants in Heidelberg in which it asked them about their life circumstances. The results of this survey formed the basis for the Municipal Integration Plan. 

A special document for Heidelberg

  • The Municipal Integration Plan is an ambitious document that draws input from a very wide range of sources in order to be as relevant to as many people as possible. 100 people from different social groups, as well as representatives of a wide range of Heidelberg institutions, worked intensively for three years to compile it.
  • Heidelberg’s Municipal Integration Plan is not a theoretical work, but a series of specific recommendations for action in the areas of Language & Education, Training, Job Market & Higher Education, Family, Health & Welfare Systems, Neighborhoods & Voluntary Work, and Sport & Culture. For each project, details are given of who the project is aimed at, what institutions are responsible, who else is involved, and the date by which the project should be completed.

Further information

History of Heidelberg’s integration policy