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Procedure descriptions

Register water connection

You need a water connection to supply your property with water.
The local utility company is responsible for this. This is usually the municipality itself or a municipal subsidiary.

Responsible department

the municipality or the local utility company



You are the owner of a house, flat, building or property or you rent it out.


If you have the connection set up by an installation company, they will usually submit the application for water supply to the supply company on your behalf.

To use an existing connection, you must contact the supply company. As a rule, they will conclude a supply contract with you. You will be sent a supply contract for this purpose. Sign it and send it back.

You will usually receive a water meter for billing purposes. The quantity of water consumed must be shown on the meter. At the same time, wastewater charges are incurred. The amount of waste water billed is usually based on the amount of fresh water consumed.

You can also find out how to connect your home to the local water supply in the"Connections to utilities" chapter in the"Building and modernising" section.



Required documents

  • Site plan
  • if necessary, notification of commissioning after realisation of the connection


The utility company may demand reimbursement for the installation and maintenance of the connection.


The design of a multi-section house entry can be particularly advantageous for new buildings.

Legal basis

  • Verordnung über Allgemeine Bedingungen für die Versorgung mit Wasser
  • Satzung der Gemeinde

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 31.07.2024
