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Sie wollen ein Gewerbe anmelden oder haben eine Frage zum Kindergeld oder Ihrer Rente? Hier finden Sie die passenden Informationen.

Procedure descriptions

Apply for a standard retirement pension

You may be entitled to a standard old-age pension after reaching the so-called standard retirement age:

  • If you were born before 1947, the standard retirement age was 65.
  • If you were born between 1947 and 1963, the standard retirement age is raised in stages.
  • If you were born in 1964 or later, it is 67.

You can only claim the standard old-age pension if you have been insured for a certain period. This minimum insurance period is called the waiting period. The waiting period for the standard old-age pension is 5 years.

The following are taken into account for the waiting period

  • Contribution periods, for example:
    • Contributions from employment or self-employment.
    • Under certain conditions, the following also count
    • Months during which you received sick pay or unemployment benefit, for example,
    • months between January 2005 and December 2010 during which you received unemployment benefit II or transitional allowance.
    • Voluntary contributions paid by you alone.
    • Child-raising periods for the first 2.5 or 3 years of life.
    • Months of non-gainful domestic care.
    • Contributions from mini-jobs that you paid together with your employer.
  • Substitute periods: for example, months of political persecution in the GDR.
  • In the event of divorce: Creditable months from a pension equalization.
  • Creditable months from a pension splitting between spouses or registered partners.
  • Creditable months for insurance-free mini-jobs.

You cannot receive a standard old-age pension early, even with deductions.

If you receive a standard old-age pension, you can earn an unlimited amount of additional income. Nothing will be deducted from your pension.



You have

  • reached the standard retirement age and
  • fulfilled the minimum insurance period (waiting period) of 5 years and
  • submitted the application.


You should submit your application for a standard old-age pension to the DRV. You can submit the application in person, online or in writing.

If you want to receive the decision in electronic form, you must first give your consent to electronic communication. You can do this via the DRV's online services with registration.

In-person application:

  • Make an appointment with the DRV in person.
  • When making an appointment online, your personal data and, if possible, your insurance number are required.
  • You can select a desired counseling center and your desired appointment date.
  • Depending on the availability of free appointments and the expected duration of the consultation, you will receive a proposal for a binding consultation appointment.
  • Book your preferred appointment. You will receive an e-mail telling you what you need for the consultation and which documents you should bring with you.
  • During your consultation, your pension application will be recorded electronically and forwarded online to the relevant pension insurance institution.
  • Your competent pension insurance institution will review your application. You will receive a written decision by mail or in your electronic mailbox at the DRV or by De-Mail.

Online application:

  • You can also complete and submit your application online yourself.
  • Go to the DRV website.
  • Click on the "Online services" button at the top right of the page.
  • Fill out the questions on your eApplication completely and correctly.
  • When you have answered all the required questions, the "Send Data" button will appear. By clicking on it, your application will be sent to your competent pension insurance institution.
  • Finally, a summary of your questions and answers will be provided as a PDF document.
    • Note: If you have an ID card with electronic proof of identity, an electronic residence permit or a signature card with an electronic signature function, this can be done completely via the Internet. Otherwise, you will have to send the signature form by post.
  • Your competent pension insurance institution will check your application. You will receive a written decision by mail or in your electronic mailbox at the DRV or by De-Mail.

Written application:

  • Download the application form from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung website.
    • Note: You can also pick up the application form in person at information and advice centers, municipalities, or insurance offices.
  • Complete the application electronically, print it out and sign it.
  • Send your pension application by post to your competent pension insurance institution.
  • Your competent pension insurance institution will review your application. You will receive a written decision by post or in your electronic mailbox at the DRV or by De-Mail.


Application: If possible, you should submit the application 3 months before the desired start of the pension.

Required documents

  • Personal document (such as identity card, passport, birth certificate or family record book),
  • Birth certificates of the children (also for fathers - important for the contributions to the pensioners' long-term care insurance),
  • proof of vocational training,
  • All insurance documents for periods that are still missing (such as proof of unemployment and illness),
  • if civil servant periods are available: Determination sheet of the pension service and
  • if a person you trust is making the application on your behalf: Power of attorney or certificate of guardianship.

Unless original documents or certified copies are expressly required, normal copies will suffice.



Processing time

Usually up to 3 months

Release note

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
