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Mayor Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner about the latest developments in Heidelberg

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Office of Economic Development and Science
(Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung und Wissenschaft)
House of Economic Development, Heiliggeiststraße 12
69117 Heidelberg
Phone + 49 6221 58-30000 and -30001
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Creative working in Heidelberg (Photo: Beekmann)

Working in Heidelberg

Coveted and creative

Unsurprisingly for a city that is home to Germany’s oldest university, jobs in Heidelberg have a strong connection to sciences. Along with the university hospital, the university is the city’s biggest employer. But Heidelberg’s economic dynamism is also derived from a strong SME sector and the presence of major corporations such as Heidelberg Cement, Heidelberger Druck, SAS, MLP, as well as various research-based companies. The city offers strong support to the SME sector, with targeted promotional programs and individual support from an SME special adviser. A cultural and creative officer looks after the creative and artistic side.

Business location

Teamwork at a whiteboard (Photo: Stadt Heidelberg)

Heidelberg has a strong track record in science and research. Most of people in full-time jobs work in the knowledge-intensive services sector.

Economic support

Team of the business support department (Photo: Arndt)

The business support department is the contact point for companies, tradesmen, investors, start-up founders, the self-employed and scientists.


Schwetzinger Terrasse in der Bahnstadt. (Photo: Buck)

Heidelberg's Bahnstadt is 20 hectares in size, an attractive location for science-orientated companies and one of Germany’s biggest urban development projects. 

Technology Park

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) (Photo: EMBL)

Founded in 1984, Heidelberg Technology Park is one of the most important centers for biotechnology research in Germany, and a top location worldwide.

The creative sector

Artist studio (Photo: Beekmann)

Since 2010 the city has had a special officer for the cultural and creative sector tasked with improving working conditions for creative people.

Labor market

Solving problems together in school (Photo: Dorn)

The unemployment rate in Heidelberg is low. The city has projects especially targeted at young people and job-seekers.